Page 4 of Beautiful Smile

Right then Cherry, the friendly waitress brought out our food. “It looks amazing, Cherry.”

Her smile was so lovely, she was the kind of person that I could see myself being friends with. Although I didn’t have many friends. Most did not want to deal with me and needing to periodically cancel. After eating a fry, I looked up at Tank. “Ya know, I love being outside so I’ve found ways around that. I sit in the shade or where there is a nice breeze. The breezes trick the nerves into not reacting, most of the time.”

“That’s really smart. I’m sure with the issues you become almost hyper-aware of what can trigger the pain to be worse.” I blinked at his comment. It blew me away how well he got it.

“Yes, exactly. The other clue for my doctor was my inflammation markers. They went up, they went down only to go back up again.”

“So what’s your treatment regiment?”

“I take meds throughout the day. Some are daily, and some are as needed. It’s kinda a lot but without them, being here with you right now wouldn’t be possible. I’d be in too much pain. Your arriving to help me when you did was wonderful, I wasn’t sure I was strong enough to loosen the nuts.”



My head was reeling with everything this sweet girl was telling me. How the hell could her family treat her so badly knowing what she was dealing with? I couldn’t understand them. “Little beauty, the thought that your family, your support system, couldn’t even be bothered to come and help you…”

“Tank they aren’t all bad. I had a good childhood. They struggle to understand something they can’t see and since it isn’t visible they simply think it’s not true. Your belief and understanding, well it’s not since my grandmother that I’ve had something like that. So thank you. Thank you for everything.”

“Lilia, you aren’t alone anymore. You have me now. I’m a strong believer that things usually happen for a reason. The reason, for me, just became so apparent I’d have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to realize it.”

Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were glued to her plate. “And what reason is that?” I heard her ask, her voice soft.

“For me to find you. I was once told that I would just know when I found that special person, the owner of my heart and soul. The moment I saw your smile it was like a dozen of cupid arrows hit me in the ole ticker. He knows I’m a bit hard-headed so I guess he wanted it to be so blatantly obvious even I couldn’t ignore it.”

She blinked up at me in wonder. “Are you saying? What about?” she stumbled as if she was stunned I could think or feel that way about her.

“You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met. Why wouldn’t I feel that way?” I reached over the table and caressed her cheek. “Are you done eating?” I asked looking down at her mostly empty plate.

“I am, it was really good. Thank you.”

I pulled out a few twenties and tossed them on the table as I stood up. Reaching my hand out, Lilia stood up slowly as if her joints ached. “Little beauty, are you in a lot of pain right now?”

She shook her head no but refused to look up at me. Placing my free hand under her chin I gently made her look at me. “Lilia, I want you to trust me when I say you aren’t nor ever could be a burden to me. My feelings for you have nothing to do with the health struggles you deal with. Let me ease your burdens. Let me take care of you, okay?”

A tear escaped her eyes as she whispered, “Okay.”

I reached up and wiped the tears away. I walked with her slowly out of the diner and once we were outside I took her a few steps so there would be no diners gawking at us. I turned to face Lilia and reached down to cup her face. Bending down to her, I kissed her much to her surprise.

At her gasp, I deepened the kiss, wrapping my arms tenderly around her and lifting her so it was easier to show her what I was feeling with each caress of my tongue, each nip of my lips. Her petite fingers ran through my beard as she held on to me. Her soft moans fed the beast in me that wanted to take her straight to my bed and never let her leave.

Breaking the kiss, I pull back an inch to look at her dark green eyes. “That was really nice,” she whispers against my lips before kissing them again. This time her arms go around my neck and hold me close.

“Little beauty, keep kissing me like that and our first time will be right here,” I chuckled as my nose rubbed along hers. “How about I show you one of our clubhouses? This one is right next door. There’s a couple of members I’d like you to meet and they should be here today.”

“Is this like meeting the parents?” Lilia chewed on her bottom lip nervously.

“Kinda but I swear there is nothing to be frightened of. They come across as big scary dudes but you’re perfectly safe. I swear.”

I could tell she was nervous but still she nodded. I could have put her down but I decided to just keep her where she belonged, in my arms.

Chapter 4


I held Lilia on my lap as she chatted away with Chastity, Saint’s ole lady. I smiled as I watched them. Chastity was exactly what Lilia needed in her life. I looked up as I grabbed my beer off the table to find Saint looking at me wearing a smirk. “Told ya,” he chuckled as he took a drink from Chastity’s forgotten drink.

“You were right. A single look.”