Page 5 of Beautiful Smile

“Yup. Lilia, has loverboy here told you what it means to be an ole lady to the Dragon Skulls?”

Lilia looked at me and then back at Saint, her hand holding my arm so tightly, her nails were digging in. “N-no. Is there some crazy ritual like cutting off a finger or something?”

Saint laughed so hard he nearly laughed beer right out his nose onto Chastity. “Tank, I can see why you like her. Oh, that’s good. No, nothing quite as messy as all that, although I bet Razor would be all for it.”

“Yeah, but he’s a whole other level of fucked up.”

“That is a fact. When a Skull asks you to be his ole lady it’s bigger than him asking you to get married. It’s an oath y’all both make that is a lot harder to get out of than a simple divorce. It also means your loyalty to the club and me as the President.”

Lilia blinked as she looked from him to me once again, “Well, all of that makes total sense and isn’t scary at all. You dear sir are scary but that oath, not so much.”

“Girl, don’t let him fool you, when it comes to the ladies in the club, he’s a total smooshy bear,” Chastity giggled.

“Smooshy bear?” I asked with a raised eyebrow while looking at Saint. His shrug said it all. Chastity was his everything and if she wanted to call him a smooshy bear, then by all means, he was a smooshy bear.

I shook my head with a chuckle before I noticed that Lilia was rubbing her legs and occasionally flexing her hands. “Little beauty, is the pain kicking up?”

She looked at me and sighed, “Yeah it is. I should think about heading home so I can take some meds and crash.”

With a nod, I helped her stand up and once I was sure she was steady I stood up and said to Saint, “I’m going to walk her to the garage so she can get her car.”

“It was wonderful to meet you Saint and everyone in your club. I hope I can come back another time. I have never felt so welcomed anywhere. Chastity, I want you to please do those tattoos we talked about.”

“Oh let me get you my card.”

I watched as Chastity led Lilia to the bar so she could pull a business card out of her purse. “I like her. When you’re ready, let me know. She’d be a great addition, especially for Chastity.”

I looked at Saint in surprise. I didn’t expect him to take to her so quickly. Even with Chastity in his life, he was a hard nut to crack. I nodded at him as Lilia hugged Chastity and came back to me. If I had my way, she would be with me always.



I smiled as I listened to Tank as I opened the door to my apartment. He insisted on being on the phone with me until I got home or following me once he found out where exactly I lived. He even tried hard to get me to just stay with him forever which made me laugh. “I’m in my apartment. I’m all safe and sound,” I tell him with a giggle.

“Baby, I know I seem crazy but I can’t stand the idea of you being all alone in that neighborhood. Promise me you’ll consider staying with me, please?”

“I promise, but isn’t it crazy fast?” I was about to say more when I heard the angry voice behind me.

“Who the fuck are you talking to?”

“Kenny! What are you doing here? How did get in here?” I quickly managed to put my phone still connected to Tank in my back pocket like I’d hung up. Kenny was Alex’s roommate and he always creeped me out.

“Answer my question first, who the fuck were you talking to?

“My boyfriend. Why does it matter to you?”

“Because, you stupid bitch, you’re mine. You’ve always been mine but you’re too stuck up to ever listen when we talked.” He steadily moved closer to me as I backed up, trying to stay away from him. His eyes looked wild, almost crazy. “You’ll listen now. You’ll beg me for my forgiveness as I give you all the pain you’ve given me.”

“Kenny, we’ve never talked. Alex doesn’t like me at his place so I don’t go there. I promise if you’d talked I would have listened.” I was trying to placate him, and keep him calm because I wasn’t sure what he had planned and I needed to let Tank the time he needed to arrive I knew I was still connected. I also knew he had it on mute so that Kenny couldn’t hear I was still on the phone.

Suddenly Kenny moved faster than I would have ever expected and slapped me. The angle was off so it was just a glancing blow but it still felt like my cheek exploded. The blessing was that when I stumbled back, I stumbled right into the bathroom. As quick as I could I slammed the door shut and slid the lock into place.

Grabbing my phone, I could hear Tank yelling for me to say something. “I’m okay, Dax. I managed to get into the bathroom and lock the door. I’m so so sorry. Our first date and it’s ruined by my drama.” Tears were flowing freely now. Kenny was banging his fists on my bathroom door while screaming all sorts of obscenities at me. I was so scared and felt so alone.

“I’m here, baby, you hear me, I’m here with some of my brothers. I’m here, little beauty.” I jumped as I heard my front door bust open. There were so many men yelling that I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I just hid in the corner furthest away from the door and curled myself into a tight ball, my eyes hiding in between my arms and elbows.

I screamed in fear, pulling myself into an even tighter ball as my bathroom door finally gave away. “No, no, no,” I kept saying over and over, fear taking over everything until I couldn’t think of anything but staying safe and saying no.