“I don’t think it’s about me,” Blake said. “Or not only aboutme.” She told him about Bran’s history with Sonja.
“Jesus,” he said, sitting back. “I think I need to look fora new job.”
“I’m sorry you were dragged into this.”
Gideon’s eyes flashed with anger and hurt. “What? You thinkI want to work for a paper that would do something like this to anyone, muchless one of its own?”
“I guess not.”
“Look,” he said. “I can’t bury this, but maybe I can slow itdown a day or two. Sonja is in New York meeting with corporate. Where are youon the Cody article?”
“I’m interviewing him this afternoon for the final piece.Stewart’s going to meet me at the studio, where Bran is filming, to shoot thephotos.”
“That’s great,” he said, pulling up the production calendar.“Write like the wind and get it to me tonight. I’ll make sure your article runsbefore this smear piece. It won’t put everyone on your side, but it’ll be acompelling counterargument to the picture she’s painting.”
“You sure you want to get involved?” She had to ask, knowingSonja would be livid when she finds out he delayed her plans.
“There’s a reason I saw the photos and the copy before theywent to print,” he replied. “Sonja isn’t exactly beloved, here.”
She stood up. “I need to run an errand before I head to theinterview. Thank you, Gid, for everything.”
“Send it to me tonight. If you don’t, I can’t do much moreto help you, Blake.”
“You’ll have it.” She started for the door but turned back.“Gid, after this? I think I’m done with this place.”
Gid sighed. “Baby girl, you and me both.”
Deanna was in her office when Blake arrived at Play L.A.
“Blake,” she said, smiling warmly. “I was so excited to hearfrom you. You found something on Diamond Moon?”
“I’m following a lead, yeah.” She looked around at theboxes. “Are you packing?”
The other woman looked up from the stack of files on herdesk. “Yes...I’m leaving.”
“What? Why?”
“I’m moving back East to be with my mom. She’s not doinggreat.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that,” she replied. “I can’tpicture this place without you. Who’ll take over when you’re gone?”
“I’ve named a possible replacement, but it will be up to theboard to confirm her. They’d be lucky to have her here. Inara has done greatwork in the field.”
“I hope she’s approved, then. But I bet the kids are sad tosee you go.”
“I haven’t told them yet,” Deanna said. “I have a littletime. But listen, even if I’m on the other side of the country, these are stillmy kids. Keep me posted on your investigation. And if there’s anything I can doto help, don’t hesitate to reach out.”
“Thanks, and I will.” She paused. “Listen, I came bybecause...”
Deanna stopped what she was doing to look up. “Is somethingwrong?”
“I’m not sure. I saw Micah earlier this week. She reachedout to give me some information, and she was... I dunno, she seemed stressed.Not afraid, but anxious. I just wondered if she was alright. I didn’t see herout front.”
Deanna sat in her chair. “Ah. Micah is a good kid, but shehas a rough time of it at home. But don’t worry, she’s staying with her aunt inBakersfield for a while.”
“That’ll be culture shock for her,” Blake said, smiling.
Deanna laughed. “It sure will.”