This kiss happened because it had to, under the open sky.Free and sweet.
When Blake arrived at the Gazette, she half-expected the roomto go quiet as she walked through and for every head to turn as she passed. Itdidn’t, of course. The newsroom hummed along at its usual frenetic pace, and noone paid her any attention as she wound her way through the cubicles toGideon’s office.
“Come in and close the door, kiddo,” he said when sheknocked on his open door.
She took her usual seat, feeling a bit like she’d beencalled to the principal’s office. She had planned to pop in later today anyway,so getting an email at six that morning was a surprise.
After spending a memorable afternoon with Ollie, she, Ollieand Bran had gone over the game plan once again at dinner. She wondered if thismeeting with Gideon would help or hinder their plans.
Her boss eyed her from over the black, boxy rims of hisglasses. “Is there something you need to tell me?”
“You and Brandon Cody?”
Blake worked to keep her expression neutral. “Like what?”
Gideon removed his glasses and tossed them onto a stack ofpapers on his desk. “Dillon. Are you fucking him or not?”
“Wow, Gid. Don’t censor yourself on my account,” she said.“By the way, wouldn’t this be considered an invasion of my privacy?”
“No, it would be considered a liability for your professionif you sleep with your subjects.”
Fair point. She closed her mouth and tried a differenttactic. She still wasn’t sure if Gideon was entirely on her side.
“No. I’m not sleeping with Brandon Cody.”
He let out a breath of what looked like relief, beforenodding over and over. “Good. Okay. We have a different problem to deal with,then.”
“Which is?”
Gideon leaned forward and folded his hands on the desk,looking as serious as she had ever seen him. “I think Sonja is planning to hangyou out to dry.” He opened a folder on his desktop and turned his monitor togive her a better view.
She only had to glance at the screen to know they were theshots of her, Val, and Bran at the gala.
“You don’t look surprised,” Gideon said, narrowing his eyes.“Or even that concerned. What the hell is going on? I feel like I’m missing themilk in my bowl of cereal.”
Her lips twitched as she fought a smile. “That’s...aninteresting analogy.”
He waved her off. “Something my mom used to say. Talk tome,” he said, urgent and low. “I know I’m a dick of a boss sometimes, but I’mworried about you.”
She searched his eyes and saw nothing but sincerity. “Howdid you get the photos?”
“One of the pool photographers came to me after Sonja paidhim to take these, off the books.” He opened another document on the screen.“And then I saw this in the approval queue for layout.”
The rumor mill is alive and spinning with news of abudding romance between cub reporter, Blake Dillon, and Hollywood superstar, BrandonCody.
The pair have reportedly been spotted out on numerousoccasions locking eyes and dancing intimately at a recent gala. But there’smore to the story than just blissful new love - sources are saying that Dillonhas been angling to score an exclusive interview with Cody for her résumé.
Could be their newfound relationship is much moretransactional than it would appear at first glance. Whispers allude to Blakeoffering her affections in exchange for all-access to Cody’s inner circle. Whata way to get ahead.
As she read the screen, Blake could feel Gid’s eyes on her,but she couldn’t swallow past the pain of her worst fear laid out in front of her.
She sat back, wondering if anything the group had plannedcould trump this. “When will it run?”
He frowned. “Why is she doing this to you? And why do I getthe feeling you haven’t been upfront with me about all of this?”