Page 103 of Love on the Byline

“I think I’ve had enough for tonight.”

“Oh, right.” Ollie brought the plates through to the greatroom. “I thought we’d eat in here. More comfortable.”

Blake followed him, emerging from the fridge with twobottles of sparkling water.

The patio doors were open, letting in a soft ocean breeze.The surf was a drumbeat in the distance, a steady rhythm of water breakingagainst rocks and shore.

They sat and ate the first few bites in silence, the onlysounds the crashing waves below and Blake’s occasional hums of pleasure.

“This is seriously good.”


After finishing half of her food, Blake put her fork down.

“That’s all you’re going to eat?”

“Just letting it settle.” She watched him cut off a piece ofchicken and bring it to his mouth.


“Nothing.” Blinking, she swallowed audibly and yawned.

“You’re crashing. You should go to bed.”

“I’m alright. I want to wait up for Bran and make sure mycar is in one piece.”

Chuckling, Ollie stood and held out his hand. “That could behours yet. I’ll wait up, you go sleep. You know you need it.”

Reluctantly, she got to her feet. She was sluggish, and herfingers were a little cold. Without thinking, he took both of her hands betweenhis and blew on her fingers to warm them.

Blake’s eyes widened, and there was a moment where sheseemed to hold her breath.

“Wh-what are you doing?” She sounded a little out of breath.

“Your hands are cold.”

Her eyes softened. “Thanks. I hadn’t noticed.”

“It can happen, when you’re tired. Now go get some rest. I’msure you’ll have plenty of time to yell at Bran tomorrow.”

“I have a better idea, since you have to wait up anyway.”


“Let’s watch a movie.”

Okay, he was not expecting that but the idea definitely hadits appeal. For one, it meant more time with Blake.

“It’s been a while.”

“Let’s pick a classic, then. Pride and Prejudice?”

He groaned. “Jane Austen? When you said classic, I thoughtyou meant The Matrix or Lord of the Rings.”

Her laugh was musical. “I’m going to go take off this makeupand, when I return, I expect popcorn and a flick. You can pick it, but make itgood.”

“Wow, no pressure,” he said, laughing as he watched her dartacross the patio to the pool house.