“You’re a man of many talents.”
His chest warmed at the unexpected compliment. “Wait untilyou taste this to pass judgment.”
“It smells divine. Are the plates in here?” She pointed tothe cabinet above her head. He nodded, and she grabbed two. “Is the securityguy still here?”
“I am, but I won’t be joining you,” Rory said strolling intothe kitchen.
Ollie looked up, noting the frown on his face. “What?”
“You’ve been here for twenty-two minutes, and Bran wassupposed to be behind you.”
Had it been that long? “Shit.” Ollie turned off the pan andwiped his hands.
“What’s wrong?” Blake looked between the pair of them.
“Nothing. Probably,” he added, taking out his phone. “JustBran doing the opposite of what we agreed on.” He opened up the app thatallowed him to track the dude’s location and enabled it. “You’ve got to befucking kidding me.”
“Where?” Rory asked.
“Silver Lake.”
“What’s in Silver Lake?” Blake asked.
“Send the address to my phone,” Rory grabbed his keys fromthe island. “I’ll go to him.”
“Thanks,” he said, hoping Bran was smart enough not to dragthe press along with him to Val’s house.
He turned back to the chicken to check the doneness.Satisfied, he set it on a clean cutting board to rest. “Do you want pasta withthis? Or rice?”
“No, thanks. Maybe a salad?” Blake walked up next to him.“What, or should I ask who is in Silver Lake and why are you sofreaked out that Bran went there?”
“I’m not freaked out,” he argued, though he was. Only notfor the reason Blake likely suspected. He looked at her, recognizing thejournalistic instincts that had kicked in.
Whatever she saw in his eyes made her take a step back andfold her arms.
“Ollie, listen. I’m here to do a job, and that job is towrite a feature on Bran. You promised me all-access.”
“I know.”
“So, who’s in Silver Lake?”
“Val.” Her brows arched sharply. “They’re not... It’s notwhat you’re thinking.”
“What am I thinking?” Her tone was challenging, and he hatedthe tension he saw on her face.
“I know...what your editor thinks, that Bran andVal are having some clandestine affair.”
“I’m not my editor, or his boss, or hers,” she said, raisingher chin defiantly. “They’re friends, and you say there’s nothing more.”
“There’s more, but not in a romantic way. You saw themtogether tonight. Val is like a big sister to him. They’ve known each otherforever.”
“Then why all the cloak and dagger?”
“Because it’s too easy to paint their relationship assomething else,” he said, shrugging. “Look, let me plate this up before it getscold.”
As soon as he said it, her stomach growled in agreement. Shemade a sound of surprise. “Well, that sounds like a plan.”
Ollie rinsed some romaine and cherry tomatoes, slicing themup into a side dish. “Wine?”