Page 124 of Love on the Byline

“Okay, alright,” she said, panting like she’d run up amountain. “No more worrying about this, about whatever it is that we’re doing.”

He sucked at the sensitive flesh behind her ear hard enoughto leave a mark and drew back, his expression stormy.

“As long as you promise me—” he began.

“Later,” she murmured, unwilling to let silly things likelogic or reason get in the way this time. She pulled him in for another kiss.

She didn’t want to think about what came after, not aboutthe Gazette or Bran or even her career. Nothing else was possible until she gotthis craving out of her system. Be it for one night, or one millennium, sheneeded this. With Ollie. Right now.

For several minutes they stood there sharing slow,mind-melting kisses while the little voice in the back of her mind tried towarn her that she shouldn’t allow it to go any further. Her body insisted shetell the voice to kindly fuck off.

“God...Blake...I want...”

The heaving rise and fall of Ollie’s chest made her shiver.

He grabbed her thigh and raised it higher, pushing himselfagainst the cotton-clad part between her thighs that was turning damp withneed.

Blake could feel Ollie’s erection pressing into her and shemoaned, threading her fingers into his hair and claiming his mouth again. Shecouldn’t get enough of kissing him.

Ollie groaned low in his throat, grinding slowly againsther. “Fuck,” he spat, setting her down and backing off suddenly.

Cool air rushed in where Blake had been burning up a momentbefore.

“Fuck.” He ran both hands through his hair, his blue eyesdark with hunger. “Blake...I’m in real danger here. I don’t know what you want.I don’t want anything you’re not—”

Stepping forward, she lifted a hand to his lips and reachedbehind her to find the edge of the door. She pushed until it closed, and thenfelt for the lock, turning it.

Ollie’s expression turned positively feral, and she bit herlip as she watched him.

“What I want is you,” she said, making it as plain as shecould. “What do you want?”

He huffed out a laugh, his hips giving a seeminglyinvoluntary but unmistakable jerk forward.

“I think that’s obvious.”

“Tell me anyway,” she said, impressed with her own abilityto form complete sentences when her cells were screaming fuck me, now,please. “Consent is sexy.”

A slow smile stretched his generous mouth. He reached downand took one of her hands in his. Mesmerized, she watched him bring it to hislips and press a soft kiss to the inside of her wrist.

Her pulse jumped, and he raised his dark focus to her mouth.

”I want you naked in my arms, on that bed, under me,”he said, leaning in to run his lips along the curve of her jawline. “But Idon’t want to rush this with you. I’ve waited too many years to screw it up bytaking things too fast.”

Turning, she tilted her head, inviting him to follow.“You’re just making up for lost time.”

“Is that all right?”

“More than all right.” Blake took his hand. “C’mon.” She ledhim through the door and over to the bed, maneuvering him until the back of hislegs hit the edge. Then she gave him a light push.

Ollie fell like a tree, landing on his back. He proppedhimself up on his elbow and watched from under hooded eyes as she undressed.

“Jesus...” he murmured softly.

She smiled. Only a few minutes ago she would have thought itimpossible to focus on anything but her floundering career and the web thethree of them had been caught up in, but that was then.

Now, she stripped down to her bra and underwear and thenmoved forward. She reached for his belt. “Is this okay?”

“Of course,” he said, his voice raspy. “Everything. Anythingyou want. It’s all okay.”