Page 125 of Love on the Byline

Ollie held on to Blake’s waist until she had managed hisbelt, then he reached up and pulled her down for another kiss. A giggle triedto push its way out of her at the absurdity of this situation, but she managedto stifle it, deftly unbuttoning his shorts and lowering the zipper.

“I’m going to die,” he said.

“Don’t die yet.”

She slid her hands under the thin cotton of his t-shirt andpushed it up, revealing his quivering stomach. She loved that her touch didthis to him.

He took the hint and managed to pull the shirt off, tossingit away as he lay back down to watch her. He shivered when Blake ran her nailslightly across his abdomen, the muscles in his stomach tensing.

His chest was surprisingly well-muscled, his shoulders broadand narrow at the same time. She ran her hand down his arm and traced herfingers along the strip of hair that led from his navel to where it vanishedbeneath the elastic hem of his underwear.

“I’m trying hard not to lose it here,” he said, working tocatch his breath.

“You’re doing just fine.” Hovering over him, on her handsand knees, she continued to explore.

She ran her fingertips along the curve of his arm and overthe top of where his shoulder sloped up to his neck.

Ollie’s gaze ricocheted from her face down to her body andback, like he couldn’t believe what was happening and didn’t know where to look.His nipples were stiff peaks when she dragged her fingertips over them, and hehissed.

“Blake,” came the low warning.

“Oliver.” She said, feeling powerful and sexy.

He ran warm hands up her thighs and cupped them, hitchingher higher until they were eye-to-eye.

She looked down into that blue gaze and saw all of the desiresurging within herself reflected back at her.

“What do you want, Blake Dillon?” he asked softly,his tongue darting out to wet his lips.

In response, she lowered herself to straddle him as she’ddone before. The rough fabric of his shorts and the teeth of the open zipperagainst her needy center sending a shiver of pleasure up her spine. She wantedthe feeling of flesh on flesh, was almost desperate for it.

Blake ground her hips in a slow circle and Ollie utteredsomething close to a cry, his face going slack.

“Oh, yes,” he said. “Blake, yes.”

She could feel him straining against the fabric of hisbriefs and couldn’t resist sneaking a glance. But once she did, it was all shecould think about.

Reaching down between them, she ran the backs of her fingersalong his rigid length.

“I’m going to embarrass myself if you don’t stop.” Hesounded pained.

“Condom?” she asked.

“Wallet.” He started to turn, to reach his back pocket, andBlake slid to the side, taking the moment to gather herself.

This was wild. Reckless. But it was also Oliver, and sheliked him. A lot. She always had, so this felt—as he’d said before—inevitable.That they’d see each other again, that they’d end up here.

The condom landed on the bed between them and Ollie floppedonto his back, breathing hard as he wiped a hand across his forehead. “You’regoing to kill me. I know it.”

Chuckling, Blake lifted up on one elbow to look down at him.She let her gaze travel down the length of his torso and back to the spot thatkept her interest.

She pulled the waistband of his shorts and underwear downand wrapped her hand firmly around his cock.

Ollie sucked in a quick breath, arching into her grip.

She slid her hand up and down, watching and feeling as hegrew harder and hotter in her grasp. Glancing up at his face, her breathcaught. The man was gorgeous, especially like this, already biting his lip asif to keep himself from begging for more.

“Is this what you’ve fantasized about?” she asked quietly.