She startled. “The two of us?” Had Ollie said something? Forsome reason, the idea scattered her. She’d thought they’d agreed to keepwhatever was happening under wraps for the time being.
His grin was slow. “I’m not blind. And I know him, probablybetter than anyone.”
She felt her cheeks heat up.
“It’s nothing, yet. We’re just getting to know each otheragain.”
He nodded. “Whatever happens between you, don’t let mymistakes ruin it. He’s an amazing guy, and he deserves to be happy.”
“As a friend, you’re the best he could have. But as hisemployer, you need to treat him better.”
“I know. I am. I will,” he promised. “Full disclosure, he’sgoing to be coaching me on the answers to the questions you sent over. And onanything else you throw at me on the record. I’m not great at talkingon the fly. I’ll say something that...your readers might misconstrue.”
“I won’t misrepresent you.”
“You’ll try not to,” he countered. “Truthfully, I don’ttrust your paper.”
“Nor should you,” she agreed.
“You understand my dilemma, then. Sonja is looking foranything she can legally print that will help her accomplish her goal.”
“Which is?”
He spread his hands. “To ruin me, I suppose.”
“What did you do to her that she has it out for you likethis?”
He smiled, but there was no humor in it. “It’s what I didn’tdo.”
Bran held her gaze and, for a long moment, she wasn’t surewhat she was supposed to surmise from his words. And then it clicked.
“She wants to sleep with you?”
“I mean, who doesn’t?” he joked, but only half-heartedly.
“I don’t,” she stated flatly. “God...Bran, that’s...”
“Not as uncommon as you might think,” he said. “Welcome to Tinseltown.”
“Is everything rotten in this place?”
“Not everything.” He relaxed into the chair. “A lot ofpeople are doing a lot of good work, things to help the communities here andelsewhere.”
“Like Play L.A.”
He nodded. “And I need to get off my ass and get involvedthere. What’s up with the other story you’re working on? Is it for theGazette?”
“I’m not sure if they’ll run it,” she confessed. “I’m notsure if I want them to. Sonja has already shot down my pitch.”
“But you’re invested in it?”
“It’s too important not to be, and it’s not dissimilar towhat you were talking about with Sonja. People take advantage of young artistsand actors, promising them work or exposure in return for favors.”
“Favors.” He snorted. “And someone’s targeting the kids atthe center?”
“At least five that I know of. I’m waiting to speak tosomeone back in Philly who may have an insight into the company.”
“What’s the name?”