“Diamond Moon.”
Bran frowned. “I’m not familiar with it.”
“I am.” Rory stood in the doorway, Ollie behind him.
“I just got an email,” Ollie said. “One of the kids in mywriting group was just approached by them.”
“They were?”
The two men walked inside.
“They want him to write lyrics for a group their puttingtogether, but Deanna told Calvin he’s too young to sign anything withoutparental consent.”
“How old is he?” Blake asked.
“Fuck.” Pulling out his phone, Rory dialed a number. “HeyPierce, it’s me. Can you find out more about a company called Diamond Moon? No,this is a hunch.” After a minute of confirming the name, and imparting a senseof urgency, he hung up.
“Not that I don’t love the help, but what do you know aboutDiamond Moon?” Blake asked.
“I don’t, not yet,” Rory replied. “I did some work with mycousins in Philadelphia for a bit. A while back, they had a case that dealtwith a company that used similar tactics. I asked them to look into it. Ishould have something soon.”
“That’s great,” Blake said, her head spinning at the suddenflurry of activity.
Bran stood. “Are we okay for now?”
“Yeah,” she replied. “I’ll schedule the photographer for theday after tomorrow if that works with your schedule.”
“It’s fine,” Ollie replied.
“If you need me, I’m going to hit the gym.” Bran steppedpast a confused Ollie, giving him a pat on the shoulder before he pushed Roryout the door and closed it behind him.
Blake let out a surprised laugh. “He’s not subtle.”
Ollie squeezed the back of his neck. “That he is not.” Heturned to look at her, sheepish.
“Come sit.” She patted the sofa beside her.
She expected him to keep to the other end and was pleasedwhen he settled beside her. Their knees were inches apart and she wanted toclose the gap and feel the heat of his golden skin against hers.
He wasn’t shy, she realized. He simply navigated the world witha tremendous amount of respect for the people that he cared for. It was arevelation, knowing she was now one of them.
“I assume Bran didn’t do or say anything stupid, since Ididn’t find him on the floor with your pen shoved into his eye.”
She laughed. “That’s...graphic. But, yeah. He actuallyapologized. For everything.”
He held her eyes. “Again, I’m sorry, too. I think I’m soused to being his stand in that I let him... No.” He stopped himself fromsaying whatever he’d been about to say. “This was on me. And I am sorry.”
“I forgave you already. I don’t think I realized—I mean, howcould I have?—what you went through. Or what you mean to each other. I’ve neverhad that sort of bond with anyone.”
“But you did,” Ollie said. “You do. With your grandfather.”
She smiled, emotions welling up inside at the thought of themany moments she shared with her granddad. “You’re right, of course.”
She could feel his eyes on her, but she studied the movementof the curtains, caught in the breeze coming through the window. “Did you knowI had a massive crush on you back at school?”
Ollie made a choking sound that drew her gaze up to his.