Page 110 of Love on the Byline

“Oscar bait,” Bran said, pointing at one of the pages. “Takethis one. A family medical drama set in an alternate universe.”

She swore these people spoke a completely differentlanguage. “The academy has a type?”

“Oh, yeah, and it’s got some strong female characters, whichI like. It would be a chance to work with Val again.”

He said it matter-of-factly, but she couldn’t help butnotice the way his eyes sparkled when he said her name. Not with longing orlust, but with...admiration. Pride.

“Well, that sounds great,” she said, setting her notepad andpen on the table. She took the glass Ollie offered and poured some juice forherself. “I look forward to talking with you about your process.”

He nodded, relaxing a bit. “Me too.”

“I got the email from your publicist this morning, and sentover the questions, as requested.”

Bran frowned. “Oh?” He looked at Ollie, or at least heturned his head that way. His sunglasses were so dark it was impossible to seehis eyes, even in the bright morning sun.

“She emailed and let me know they were received, thanks. Shehasn’t had a chance to go over them yet,” Ollie said.

She had been expecting that. “No worries. I can start withyou.”

“With me?” His brows rose. “What can I tell you that Ihaven’t already?”

“Lots,” she said, smiling at the panicked expression on hisface. She took pity on him. “Okay, then. Bran, why Ollie?”

“Why Ollie, what?”

“Why did you hire someone with zero experience to work insuch a pivotal position on your team?” she asked, her pen poised above hernotebook.

Bran ran a hand over his hair and looked away,contemplative. “Because I’ve always been able to trust him,” he finally said,quietly. “And I needed someone who would keep me grounded. Plus, he needed tobe out here. In L.A.”

“I did?” Ollie asked. “I mean, I probably do, but why do youthink that?”

“Well, if you ever decide to pull the trigger and dosomething with the insane amount of talent you have.”

Ollie’s laugh was devoid of humor. “I keep telling youthere’s no need to spew sunshine all over me. I don’t need you to butter me upto get me to stay.”

Bran sat up and removed his glasses, his eyes narrowed as hestared at Ollie.

There was an uncomfortable stretch of silence and Blake heldher breath, watching a silent exchange between the two men.

“I wish…” Bran let out a harsh breath before continuing. “Iwish you could see you the way I do, man. You might realize how gifted youare.”

Ollie appeared stunned, looking at him with wide eyes. Heseemed both proud and embarrassed, like a student whose teacher had said somethingparticularly kind about him.

She found herself smiling too, despite the oddity of someonelike Brandon Peters dropping his guard in front of her.

It struck her then, that there was something special betweenthese two, something that had nothing to do with the glitz and glamour of themovie business. They had an understanding, a level of trust between them thatseemed almost palpable. Like brothers.

She cleared her throat. “Ollie, you’ve had to learn on thejob.”


“What’s been the most challenging thing about it?”

“Don’t say me,” Bran warned, but his tone had lightened.

“I thought this was about telling the whole truth,” Olliejoked. “I suppose it’s the schedule. It may not seem like it because you’re hereduring a bit of down time.”

“You call this week downtime?” Between their time on set andthe event last night, she was exhausted. It had only been a few days.