Page 109 of Love on the Byline

She saw it all so clearly, now. The story had the potentialfor real damage no matter which way you looked at it.

An email popped into her inbox that had her frowning.

From: N. Mokeyane

To: [email protected]

Subject: Request for questions


We request that you provide any questions you plan toask Bran during the interview process in advance so that he will be betterprepared to provide the answers you seek.

Please contact me immediately if you have any questionsor concerns.

Yours truly,

Noelia Mokeyane

Creative Relations

She opened a new document. After conversations she’d hadwith Ollie and Gideon, she’d expected something like this. Annoying as it was,it made sense that Noelia Mokeyane would want to pre-screen any furtherquestions. After all, Bran’s reputation was on the line, but so was Blake’s.

She had to be careful, be sure to stay on-topic and keep himcomfortable enough to let his guard down. He had matured, she knew that. Howmuch remained to be seen. She typed out a few softball questions. When didyou know you wanted to be an actor? What drew you to your latest role? Where doyou hope to see yourself in five years? Then, she tossed in some moreprobing ones, considering each one carefully before sending off the email.

That task done, she got showered and dressed.

Entering the main house, she was surprised to find Hans inthe kitchen. The island was covered in trays containing small clumps of oats,dried fruit, and nuts, and the air smelled of cinnamon.

“Is that...homemade granola?”

“Oh, hey, sunshine! Good morning. And yes, it is. Apple-walnut-cinnamon,slightly sweetened with monk fruit.”

“What the hell is a monk fruit?” She scrunched up her nose.

“It’s every Hollywood chef’s secret weapon. Shhh.” Winking,he held a finger over his lips.

She laughed. “Your secret is safe with me.”

“They’re out by the pool.”

“Thanks, chef.”

She snagged a piece of the warm granola, marveling at theflavor and crunch as she walked through the patio doors.

She found Ollie and Bran seated at the glass table, whichwas covered in papers again. When she got closer, she realized they were morescripts.

“Is this what breakfast looks like for movie stars?” shesaid, setting her laptop down in a clear spot.

It was pure coincidence that her chair was next to Ollie’s.

His smile for her was soft. “I’m helping Bran narrow down apiece of bait.”

Memories of last night’s kisses sent a shiver through her,but she sat down and pulled the pitcher of orange juice towards her.

Ollie snuck a glance her way, a ghost of a grin playing onhis lips as if he could see her thoughts.

“Bait for...?”