“Please do.” She walked around and curled up on thecushions, tucking her feet under. “I’ll take over the search.”
“Nothing too bloody,” he requested.
“Not a fan of horror?”
“Horror’s great. I’m not a fan of gore.” He disappeared downthe hall.
Blake yawned. She was beyond exhausted, but she wasn’t aboutto pass up this opportunity. The last few days had passed by in a blur, with somuch happening she was having trouble knowing where to focus.
Sonja clearly had an agenda that either Gideon knew aboutand didn’t share or didn’t know about and needed to. Then again, BrandonPeters-slash-Cody could want something from her that might be more than he’dlet on. And then there was Ollie, who had been—at times—brazen with hisinterest, yet other times utterly shy and reserved.
She liked him a whole hell of a lot. More thanthat, she wanted him, which was the more dangerous development. And she didn’tknow if it was too fast, too soon, or a continuation of something they shouldhave started years ago.
“Did you choose?” He returned, after what felt like seconds,wearing a grey Henley and navy sweats that hugged his thighs.
She realized she’d been sitting there, remote in hand,staring at the wall.
“How about The Fifth Element? I’ve seen it a hundredtimes, but it’s a classic.”
He grinned. “And, if we fall asleep, we won’t miss anything.You’re a genius.”
“I have my moments.”
They settled onto the sofa, a safe distance apart. It feltoff, somehow, but Blake did her best to focus on the screen and not the way thedancing light cast animated shadows across the planes of his face.
The popcorn was salty, the sparkling water crisp and cool.Even the blanket Ollie had draped across her legs was perfectly soft and justthe right weight for the temperature of the room.
It was all so fucking perfect, she wanted to scream. Or jumphim.
“It’s amazing how well this movie holds up,” he said.“Considering its age.”
“Right? It should be cheesy, but it’s not.”
“Ahead of its time.”
She turned to him. “I never thought of it that way, butyou’re right. Questionable costume choices aside.”
He gaped at her. “Are you blind? Ruby Rod’s jumpsuits arethe future of fashion.”
On-screen, the character was strutting through the theater,his head framed in a ring of roses. “Okay, I take it back. I would totally rockthat.”
“Hell, I might, too, if I could pull it off.” His grin waswide, and Blake found herself giggling.
Giggling. What had this guy sprinkled on the popcorn? Thiswas fun. He was fun, and flirty, and witty, and...hot.
A wave of melancholy swept over her and she turned away fromhis sparkling eyes.
She shook her head, unable to articulate why the thought ofeverything they’d missed—nights like these, and moments like this—had suddenlycaught up to her.
“Hey.” His hand was warm on her arm and she covered it withhers. “You want to call it a night?”
She squeezed his fingers. “No, I... No.”
There was a beat before she felt him shifting closer. Beforeshe knew it, Ollie’s arm was around her.
His breath tickled her ear. “Is this alright?”