Page 105 of Love on the Byline

Ollie leaned against the island, exhaustion making his legsheavy. It wasn’t that late, but his eyelids felt like they were made of lead.He wasn’t sure he had the energy to stay awake for the film, despite theincredible company.

When the silence had stretched on for too long, he looked upand found Bran watching him.

“Was I supposed to say something?”

“This is the moment when you usually tell me I’m beingreckless or childish.”

“It’s your life. I’m here to help you, not...” heran out of steam. “I’m tired. I’m pretty sure Blake will want to sit down withyou again tomorrow.”

“Shit.” Bran rubbed a hand over his face. “Noelia and Ihaven’t even discussed what my talking points are.”

“Listen to you. Talking points. This isn’t ajunket, it’s Blake. Why are you so worried?”

“Because it’s Blake.” The guy was practicallywhining. “You know me, man. I always put my foot in it when I talk to her. Ican’t not wind her up.”


“Help me.”

“What am I supposed to do, stand in the bushes while sheinterviews you from her balcony?”

Bran snorted but then went very still. “That’s actually nota bad idea.”

“What isn’t a bad idea? I don’t think this place has abalcony.”

“No, but you’ve coached me before. I need more of that,” hesaid. And he was serious.

Ollie wanted to laugh.

“And you can be in the room, or somewhere close by.Somewhere we can see or hear each other. If I say something stupid, you canmake the I told you so face, so I know I screwed up. I respond well tonon-verbal cues, you know that. And if I do or say something stupid, you caninterrupt with an emergency.”

“I...could do that, I guess” he said, trying not to think ofall the ways this could backfire. “I’m sure Noelia will want to see thequestions in advance. I’ll alert her.”

“Thanks. I need to be on my A game.”

Blake had said she wanted the real man behind the celebrity.“I’ve got your back.”

Bran let out a breath of relief. “Thanks, man. I owe youone.”

“You owe me more than one,” he said, shaking his head. “ButI’ll take it. Now, please go get some goddamned sleep.”

“Sorry, sorry.” Bran held up his hands. “I’ll get out ofyour hair. Enjoy your not-a-date-night,” he called over his shoulder as hewalked away. “And don’t forget to use protection.”

He didn’t see the finger Ollie saluted him with as hedisappeared down the hall.


When Blake returned to the main house, she found Olliesitting on the sectional in front of the soft glow of the television, his browfurrowed in concentration as he scrolled through a list of films.

She stopped in the open doorway, taking a moment to admirehim. The night had turned cool, and he’d turned on the gas fireplace. Theflames tipped his eyelashes in gold and cast a warm light over his angularfeatures. She wanted to join him on the couch, snuggle up against him and watchwhatever film he chose, but stayed put.

It was a dangerous knife edge they were dancing on now.

She closed the door softly behind her, and he looked overhis shoulder. The way his gaze slid over her, from the messy bun atop her head,to the borrowed tee, and down to his sweatpants—so long she had to roll them upto keep from tripping herself—made her feel like she’d walked in with nothingon at all.

Blake wasn’t sure anyone had ever looked at her that way,like they’d been offered a gift and didn’t know how to receive it.

“I feel overdressed,” he said, and she liked how rough itsounded. He cleared his throat. “Mind if I go get comfortable?”