Page 105 of A Kingdom of Shadows

"Because." He's finding it hard to breathe. "Then I will tell Dusan that his darling niece and one of the guards were kissing the other night."

My defiant demeanor crumbles.

His eyes are wild flames of green as he smiles. "Would be a pity if Aeron Hawthorne had to be executed for breaking his oath to the king."

Sick, sick bastard.

"Sooner or later, the princesses will be set to marry someone worthy of Terranos. And a romance between a guard and Princess Arlayna would spark too much uproar. Think about it... mortal."

I grind my teeth, anger creating a vortex in my chest. If I say anything, he will just turn it against me. I might have injured him, but I will not jeopardize Aeron. Arlayna would never forgive me.

Thallan's staring at me as I open the door. I level him one harsh look and walk out, no longer dwelling on the horrid touch of his hands on me.

Chapter Forty

Under a dove-grey sky, I watch how guards patrol the fields from the garden terrace. Since Golrai's death the other week, the king requested us to wait longer before completing the last task in Thalore. The princesses' safety was their priority, and if Arlayna had not fought to still accompany us, she would not be coming.

Though It's quite strange lately. Well, it has never been truly right around here. With Darius busy helping the king's warriors and Thallan's despicable words that night over Arlayna and Aeron, I've lost all spark of life in me.

It's as if no matter everything Darius and I have gone through, circumstances do not want us together.

We had no time to speak of that night he'd come to my door. And when things finally cleared, he told me he would come by my chambers and that I should wait for him.

I did. I waited for hours, but I fell asleep after an eventful day with Meriel and Faye taking me horseback riding through their terrains. For once, I fell asleep, and I wish I hadn't.

I woke up that morning to blankets covering me and a strawberry pie beside my bed. When I had asked where Darius was, Tibith told me the king needed him.

For his powers.

Always his powers.

Merati magic to seek out a perpetrator.

"Nara, dear, you've not touched your tea."

I blink, darting my head to Meriel seated in front of me. She'd invited me for breakfast on the terrace this morning alongside Faye and Arlayna. Tibith had joined, sitting beside me with cushions beneath him so that he reached the table's height.

Shaking my head, I take a long sip. It's cold... long forgotten, but I smile anyway. "Apologies, my mind seems to wander off lately."

She laughs in delight. "Doesn't it for all of us?" Her expression seems to twist into sympathy as she sighs. "With a maid's death and your tasks, this must be awfully stressful for you."

You have no idea.

"Not as stressful as Arlayna's duties to the kingdom," Faye remarks, spinning her jade circlet around her wrist as she looks at Arlayna. "I heard uncle is making you visit the Mordinthrens."

That probes my curiosity. "Mordinthrens?"

Arlayna nods. "Edwyrd's family from Valdern. They are quite close to our cousins who also reside there. It's why our uncle is so fond of Edwyrd, and since the Mordinthrens are high elves of great society—"

"Yes, I hear Tanyll Mordinthren plans to marry and is looking for a suitable wife." Meriel's smile could not be any more ecstatic. "Did I ever tell you how he survived against a Rippling while traveling through the Ocean of Storms?"

I frown at the possibility of someone surviving against a savage whirlpool known as the Rippling. Iker had always made it a commitment to try and scare me by saying he would take me all the way toward the ocean of Storms and wait until a Rippling appeared so he could push me into it. I had always replied, saying I would take him with me.

"Several times, Mother," Arlayna says grimly, downing the last bit of her tea in an unlikely royal manner.

I'd grimace at the awkwardness over us if Tibith wasn't stuffing his face with bread and jam.

Faye straightens from her chair and clears her throat, turning to me. "I heard you encountered a Galgr upon your latest task."