I cast a sideward glance at Arlayna, and her shoulders seem to relax from the momentary conversion involving Tanyll Mordinthren. "I did," I say, doing terribly at hiding the shift in my body as I think about my hidden memory of Darius.
That we'd met before.
That he'd loved me since we were children.
And that the coin I carry around my neck is the same one I gave him all those years ago.
"We thought with Golrai's death, there might have been something odd involving them." Meriel keeps her eyes trained on me as she motions for one of the servants to take away Arlayna's cup. "Though Darius feels that it has nothing to do with that, considering Galgr's tend to hunt their prey from lakes and stepping on land would be foolish of them, especially here when it is far from their homes. They would die as soon as a hint of sunlight touched them."
"What about a Shadow Calp, Mother?" Faye asks.
"Golrai dying from an attack of a Shadow Calp would seem highly unlikely given that they feed off your soul, not blood. Golrai's wounds suggest she was murdered by a person." Meriel looks at me, her lip curling at the side. "I must say, though, that Darius does not seem to trust easily. I mean, he is certainly never taking advice from the sentinel. Instead, he is always doing his own thing."
She's amused and curious, but I no longer do well in hiding certain feelings. Hence, I look away, staring at the entrance's glass doors, and say, "He is accustomed to doing his own thing."
Meriel doesn't seem to believe that as she narrows her eyes and hums. "Except he loves to work with you."
"That is because Darry and Miss Nara also like to sleep naked together, Miss Meriel!" Tibith says through a mouthful of bread, and I go bright red.
Faye is laughing, looking my way as Tibith cocks his head to the side. A portrait of innocence.
"Could you tell me more about the Galgr’s?" I ask, not glancing at any of the four in particular and wanting to change subjects. "What happens if they are on land during the daytime?"
Meriel laughs at my obvious embarrassment. "Certainly," she says. "Galgr's are creatures which thrive in deep waters and disintegrate if the slightest ray of the sun catches them due to their skin sensitivity." She stirs her tea in thought. "They've resided in Terranos for centuries, ever since our elf ancestors existed. Still, as you already know, they're dangerous beings since they tend to draw in victims using core memories or their deepest secrets before devouring them. A terrible way to go if you ask me."
Yes, I'd gathered that after them luring me in the first time during our journey through the Screaming Forest.
"Although some know more than just secrets," Arlayna adds. "They are similar to Seers, if you can put it that way. They have excellent knowledge of life, drawing their powers from the moon's reflection upon the water."
"Can you get answers out of them?" I ask.
"Of course, you can." Faye chuckles. "If you can trap one without perishing." She smirks, throwing a blueberry in the air before catching it in her mouth. "I'd advise visiting a clairvoyant if you want answers, though they are hard to find nowadays in Terranos."
"Or a witch."
I glance at Arlayna, her face null.
She continues, "I was told they have had visions on rare occasions."
Faye scoffs. "Emphasis on rare, Arlayna."
Arlayna glares in her direction, but I'm instantly wondering about Freya and if she is okay.
Faye and Meriel carry on speaking while I pay no notice to them.
Is Freya finding it easy tackling her new life as a witch? Is Leira teaching her? I know so little. The letters I'd received from my brothers weeks ago only mentioned certain things about them. I know that if more was going on, they wouldn't tell me because I already am dealing with too much over here.
I blow out a breath, pressing a hand to my chest as I look toward the garden, the maze, the fields. I know Arlayna is staring at me, her grey eyes studying me as I think, wonder, and plan something.
Glancing down at my palm, I remind myself how I'd controlled the bats. Tamed even the rümens during the trial and conjured thousands of frogs when Adriel and Oran attacked me.
Despite all that, I have no answer to explain why it happens.
But I deserve those answers, and I deserve to no longer be in the dark regarding myself.
* * *
I'm opening the door and sheathing my blade as Arlayna walks past me into the room.