“No.” Violet waved her hands in a big X. “We are not abusing our privileges.”
“I’m an actor. I love being on camera. People looking at me is my second favorite thing.”
“What’s your first?” Violet asked.
“Eating muffins.” He winked at her.
“Oh my gosh, I adore him. Can we keep him?” Lily wrapped her arm through his companionably. “Is that allowed?”
“The American immigration office might have some opinions. What seems to be the trouble with filming?”
Violet grimaced. “We’re trying to do this plant video for our social media accounts—”
“—that was your idea!” Lily interjected.
“You caught me in a moment of weakness because I failed us.”
“Plant Mom Mondays.” Lily turned to Jack. “One of our followers has plant care questions, and Violet helps them because Violet likes to help.” Lily shot a ‘You got yourself into this mess, now deal with it’ look at Violet.
“But what am I supposed to do with my hands?” Violet asked. “My hair looks weird today, and you said this shirt looks dumb.”
“I didn’t say dumb; I said an interesting choice.” Lily squinted at Violet.
“Those are the same thing, buttface.” Violet shoved her with a laugh.
Jack pointed between them. “You should film this. You two are hilarious.”
“Fantastic idea,” Lily said quickly, lightning striking again. “But not me, you two.”
“Me?” Jack looked down at the running gear he had on. “My shirt also looks like an interesting choice today.”
“Oh my gosh, I’m going home to change.” Violet spun around.
He caught her shoulders. “No, no, no. You look casual and lovely. Here, I’ve got an idea. You don’t know what to do with your hands, so why not use a prop? Show me what to fix instead of telling the camera. I’ll just be charming set decoration.”
“Yes!” Lily jumped up and down with giddy excitement. “This is even better than I imagined. Go grab one of those string of pearl succulents from the display.”
“Okay,” Violet whined. She grabbed a small fern-like succulent with tiny round balls down the vines.
“And you’re going to tell these viewers what?” Jack asked.
“How to remediate a fungal rot within the root system,” Violet said as if it was nothing.
Jack nodded with feigned confidence. “Excellent. I don’t know what any of those words mean.”
“You’re gonna do great.” Lily tossed a Bloom t-shirt at him.
He removed his running shirt and threw on the t-shirt as Lily wolf-whistled at him.
Violet wouldn’t meet his eyes, and her face flushed pink once he settled his shirt. Fucking adorable.
“Lily, might I make a suggestion?”
“If it’s you taking your shirt off in slow motion, I can guarantee our views will go through the roof.”
“Lily,” Violet threatened.
She smirked at Violet. “What? It’s for the business.”