Jack scanned the room. “Do you have some large sheets of paper? Preferably white.”
“Uh, yeah. We have a couple of big pieces of white poster board.”
“Excellent. I want you to position them here and here.” He motioned to either side of the phone. “It’ll bounce the natural light into our faces.” His mother would kill him if he was poorly lit by the store’s fluorescent Edison light bulbs.
“Let me go grab them.” Lily jogged to the back of the store.
“I’m so sssss…sarsaparilla,” Violet said, remembering her promise.
“Saying a different word and meaning sorry doesn’t count.”
“It’s a loophole.” Violet stamped her foot with a smile. “I didn’t mean to get you roped into this.”
“This will be fun. I can fulfill my part of our deal by getting you more comfortable in front of people, and I get to learn about some sort of jewelry-based plant.”
“String of pearls is actually a succulent with small pearl-like leaves.”
“Save that for the video,” Lily said, jogging back. As Lily was getting everything set up, three customers walked in.
“We’re going to be filming, but feel free to stop us at any time,” Violet said helpfully.
One woman leaned over to whisper to the other and pointed at him. Shit.
“Do you want to be our audience?” he asked, hoping to use his charm for the better.
“Audience?” Violet gasped.
“Sure. More practice for you being the center of attention. Plus, three people is small compared to online. How many people will see this, Lily?”
Lily fiddled with the settings on her phone. “I mean, hopefully, fifty thousand, but currently our organic traffic is only around ten thousand.”
“Oh my god.” Violet’s face blanched, and she put her head between her knees.
“Don’t worry about them. Talk to me, okay?” He crouched beside her and rubbed his hand on her back. “You’re going to explain this to me, plain and simple. You’ll help me understand, and I already think you’re adorable.”
She looked pale but turned to look at him with those pleading, cartoon princess eyes that knocked the wind out of him. Her knuckles were white, gripping the table leg. “Adorable?”
“So adorable. A baby deer would sell a hoof to be half as darling as you.”
“Oh no. Poor baby deer,” She pouted her lower lip.
His thumb came up to trace the line of it. Just selling the relationship. “See? Just keep your eyes on me. They’ll love you.”
Like I do.
Panic seized his entire body.
What the fuck.
Where had that come from? You’ve only known this woman for a week, you maniac.
He pushed the panic out of his head. “Ready?” He squeezed her hand and pulled her up.
As they got going, Violet started to warm up. It only took her three takes not to go blank with panic when saying Plant Mom Mondays.
“And I have a special guest, Jack Grant.”