Sten shakes his head and stares at the shriveled member in his hands.

He’s brave. Green in the ways of the world, but brave, I’ll give him that.

Before Sten’s nerves get the better of him, in one smooth blow, Brick slices off his foreskin, making the boy fall over in agony.

“Oh, stop your crying, boy. Babies in the west get the tip of their cock cut off from birth all the time. It will still work. You should count your blessings that the king didn’t order me to cut the whole thing off,” Brick playfully abolishes. “Now, you four.” He points to the other soldiers standing by. “Take the boy back to your tents and tend to his wound. I don’t want it on my conscience that this boy here ends up dying in a few days just because you were squeamish in helping him with his cock. I want him looked after and I want daily reports on his health. He’s your brother in arms, so I want you to treat him as such.”

They heed the warning in Brick’s tone and rush to usher Sten out of the tent, but not before the boy turns his watery sights to me.

“Thank you, my king. Thank you.”

I offer him a consoling nod, and let my men take him to be looked after.

“Shit, but that boy has steel in his veins. My bladder would have given way with the thought of someone chopping my dick off.” Brick laughs, wiping the blood from his blade.

“It’s like you said, he’s lucky his life was spared. If King Orville were alive, he wouldn’t have been.”

“Fuck Orville. If we ever do go back up north, I’m going to take a long piss on that bastard’s grave.” Brick scowls.

“Then I guess I best make sure that we do.” I smile. “Call my squire and tell him to fetch me a bucket of warm water and some clean clothes. I’m dining with royalty tonight, so I need to look my best.”

“Right, I forgot about that. What are you going to do? She knows the letter was from Atlas. The boy confessed as much.”

“Don’t you worry about that. I know exactly how to play this.”

“And how’s that?” He raises an inquisitive brow.

“By doing what she does best—lie.”

Chapter 13


“He’s late,” I fume, insulted that Levi thinks it’s acceptable to keep me waiting like this.

To keephisqueen waiting for him.

But just as that thought pops into my head, another one follows.

What if I’m being stood up?

What if he rethought my invitation and concluded that spending ten hours with me riding on horseback was all the time he could tolerate being around me?


If he dares not to show his face tonight, then I can’t be held responsible for my actions.

“Would you like more wine, my queen? Maybe it will relax you,” Anya offers hesitantly.

“Are you saying that I don’t look relaxed?” I counter, tapping my fingers on the table where two empty plates still lie.

Anya bows her head, not courageous enough to give me an answer.

Inessa, on the other hand, isn’t as cowardly.

“It’s a cold night, Your Highness. A bit of wine will warm the blood,” she explains, picking up the jar of cherry wine and filling my cup.

“Blood can’t course through iced veins, Inessa. But I’d welcome a glass,” Levi says just as he enters my tent.