My handmaidens instantly bow to him, averting their gaze, while I remain perfectly still in my seat, staring indifferently at him, not wanting to let on the turmoil I’m suddenly in.

I was expecting the monosyllable-speaking brute I had been riding with to waltz through my door.

Instead, I got a king.

Wearing all black from the tip of his boots to the fine woven braids of his hair, Levi is a formidable sight to behold. Clean shaven and freshly washed, Levi looks as if he hasn’t seen a second of our arduous journey, looking refreshed as one does after a good night’s sleep.

With each stride he walks my way, I can’t help but let my eyes linger on the differences that the man before me has with the one I left just mere hours ago. He looks majestic in his black bearskin coat and dark assemble, so much so that I’m unable to reprimand him for his tardiness. In fact, if this is the result of me having to wait an extra hour for his arrival, I’d be more than happy to have waited some more just to see what other miracles he is able to perform on his appearance.

Maybe that would have given him time to take out his braids.

What a silly thought to have. He’d never do that.

Not for me at least.

Unlike northern men, you will never find an east-born male with his hair cut short to the nape of his neck or hanging down loose by his shoulders. Eastern custom prevents as much. Levi’s kingdom has some very specific practices when it comes to their male population’s hair, preferring braids as the look of choice. I would imagine that they keep it this way as not to be a burden to them while on the battlefield, but the mind does travel to see such raven locks free from their bondage.

“My queen,” Levi says, kneeling before me.

It’s an empty gesture at best, but still I appreciate his diligence in maintaining the honorable decorum.

Levi then lifts his head just a tad and grabs my hand to place a kiss on my royal ring.

“There. You have your witnesses,” he whispers with a smug smirk.

“When I said there was no use for you to kneel without any witnesses, my intention wasn’t that you do it in front of my loyal servants,” I proclaim, snatching my hand away from him.

“I’ll try better next time,” he taunts, going back to his full height and leaving me even more out of sorts with his imposing form.

It’s only when he’s finally seated at the table across from me and at a safe distance that I let myself breathe.

“I’ll have that wine now, Inessa,” he says, and there is something about hearing him order my handmaiden around like she belongs to him that irks me to no end.

“That won’t be necessary. Inessa, Anya, you can go back to your tents. I won’t be needing your services this evening,” I announce, surprising even myself with the off-book decision.

“Yes, Your Highness,” Inessa and Anya reply in tandem, curtsying and leaving before I have time to change my mind.

Levi leans back in his chair, placing his arm over the back of it, while I get up from mine and walk toward him. I grab the pitcher of wine and start filling his glass to the rim.

“Interesting,” he muses, running his thumb over his lower lip. “Never in a million years did I think this day would come. To have a queen serve me.”

“Do you think I am incapable of doing such menial tasks? If that is true then it’s no wonder you came with your army to cross my borders, seeing as you think me incompetent in all things.”

“That wasn’t the reason I came north,” he says evenly.

“No?” I arch a brow, placing the pitcher back on the table. “Then what was?”

Levi grabs his chalice and drinks his wine, down to the very last drop.

“Do you mind?” he goads, waving his glass in the air so I can pour some more wine into it, instead of giving me an answer.

A forced smile crests my lips, but I proceed to repeat the task yet again.

“I guess I should get accustomed to it,” he mumbles, watching the liquid pour into his cup.

“Accustomed to what?”

“You serving me. As my lady wife, you’ll be expected to do much more than satiate my thirst. You’ll have to satisfy my hunger, too. Amongst other things,” he states, his tone thick with innuendo.