“Why do you hate Teo so much?

“He’s not someone to be trusted, Kat, let’s leave it at that.”

“That isn’t an answer. When we were younger, I knew you both had your ups and downs, but in the end, you loved each other anyway. What changed?”

But still Levi refuses to answer me, preferring silence instead.

If Orville has blood on his hands, then Teo is soaked in it.

Those were the words he chose to use when discussing his parents’ death. Somehow, Teo had a part in their untimely demise.

“Levi, if you continue to keep secrets from me, then we won’t work,” I caution, needing to get to the bottom of this.

“Do you want us to?” he asks, suddenly unconvinced.


“Then stay. Choose me and forget this silly little game you’re playing,” he says, knocking the wind out of me with how aggressive his tone is.

“This silly little game, as you called it, saved my kingdom from warfare. Or do you think I forgot how your army was about to butcher my people?” I bite back.

Levi instantly cringes, making me instantly regret my lashing out at him. I count to three and breathe before I try again.

“This game, as you so put it, gave your people back their freedom. I can only wonder what I will find has been done in my family’s name in the south and west.” When his shoulders slack, I see that reason is finally getting through to him. “I gave my word, Levi. You’re a man of honor, so you know what it means for a queen to give her word.”

“I do. Doesn’t mean I like it.”

I tighten my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulders.

“Please, let’s not fight. Not when we have so precious little time left.”

“Does that mean you will let me accompany you south?”

“If it means I get a fortnight with you, then I’d be a fool to say no,” I tell him honestly.

I feel his body relax now that he knows we have more time. His fingers run up and down my naked back, as my chest molds itself to his.

“Will you miss me, Kat?” he whispers in my ear.

I tilt my head back just a little so I can stare into his emerald eyes. In an instant, I feel a pang to my heart as if someone is driving a dagger through it.

Will I miss him?

I doubt my life will ever hold the same meaning to it with him not in it.

So I answer him the only way I can, without saying those three little words that we both long to hear.

“What is a heart without its reason for beating?”

Chapter 27


“Is that letter from her? From your queen?” Cleo whispers seductively, while running her nails up and down my chest.

I slap her claws away and reread my kitten’s handwriting, trying to see if there is a hidden message in her words.

“Read it to me. I’m bored.” She pouts, throwing herself on my bed and lying on my chest.