“You love me, Kat?” he asks, as if it’s the most astounding thing he’s ever heard.

My throat begins to clog, and my skin begins to feel like it’s too tight on my body.

We haven’t said those exact words to one another, although we have said them numerous times with our bodies and with our souls.

Do I love Levi?

If what I’m feeling isn’t love then I shudder to think what is.

Since what has taken over me since I first laid eyes on him is all-consuming. It’s exciting and frightening all in the same breath. It’s all I ever wanted, and yet I stay awake at night, fearing its sudden disappearance.

Do I love Levi?

With all of my frozen heart.

I open my mouth to tell him as much, when he places his forefinger on my lips, silencing me.

“Don’t say it,” he pleads on a strangled choke. “If you say it, then I won’t be able to let you leave. I couldn’t bear it.”

“I don’t see how you’d be able to prevent it. Would you lock me up in one of your towers if I said what you long to hear?” I bite my lower lip.

His hand goes right to my throat, my core clenching with how easy it is to provoke the beast that lives inside of him.

“I’d do much worse than that. I’d lock you up in my chambers, tie you to my bed, and fuck a baby inside of you. I’d even have a priest marry us as I did it. He’d have to ask the gods to cleanse his soul from all the wicked thoughts he had while watching me savagely take my wife in our marital bed.”


Feeling all sorts of flushed, I pull my hands away from him just so I can splash some water on my face. The hot spring water does very little to cool my libido after such a declaration.

There’s a little smirk to his lips, as if he knows damn well what his lewd words do to me.

Who am I kidding?

He knows exactly what he’s done.

I plant my hands on his shoulders and jump on top of him so he’s forced to go underwater. When he comes back up, he’s laughing his heart out.

“You do not play fair, my king. And I thought you more honorable than that,” I accuse him with a smirk of my own.

“I am honorable, my queen. Just not when it comes to my intentions with you,” he teases, pulling me by the waist until my legs are once again firm on his hips, my core just inches away from his cock. “Nothing I want to do with this body is honorable. Not one damn fucking thing.”

“Spoken like a true poet,” I tease, laughing.

“Fuck, I’m going to miss that. You laughing is the sweetest sound on earth.”

His expression goes somber, as does mine.

“I haven’t had much reason to laugh for the longest time. With you, it just comes naturally,” I confess, running my fingers through his braids.

If I can’t tell him I love him, then I can admit to that much.

“I’m taking you to Teo,” he suddenly blurts out.

“What? Levi—” I start to protest.

“It’s a fifteen-day journey, Kat,” he cuts me off. “If I can’t have my men guard you while you’re with that snake, then at least give me two more weeks to be with you. Give me that.”

Before I’m able to give him a reply, I ask a question of my own.