I stand up straight and tuck a blond curl behind my ear. "I'm sorry I upset you. That was never my intention. You should know that I love Kyle and I would never use him or take advantage of him."

Shakily, she takes a step forward. "I know. You're like a daughter to me and I'm ashamed of the way I've treated you. Kyle and you took me by surprise. I always assumed…" she trails off, looks over at Matt and Audra in the corner, packing up all the gifts. "I assumed it would be Matt you ended up with."

My heart throbs in my chest. Just another reason to go to Boulder. Everything always comes back to Matt.

"But I watched you two today," she reveals. My face heats and I wonder what she saw this time. "Kyle looks so happy with you. You look happy, too. I think that's what matters most."

My throat feels like it's closing in. "I agree."

"You're not supposed to have favorites," she rubs her temple distractedly. "Kyle is, though. He's my favorite. He's the son that makes me proud. He always has. He's given more of himself to our family than the rest of us put together. He's my favorite, Jenny. Be careful with his heart. It's been mistreated over the years, and I hate that he's been hurt by choices beyond his control."

I nod my head. "I don't plan on hurting him."

"You never plan on hurting the people you love," she shrugs absentmindedly, but I don't miss the heaviness in her eyes. "Sometimes, you do anyway."

"I'll keep that in mind," I say as I bend back down and pick up a string of blue balloons.

Diane takes the hint and walks away, ending our conversation. I would never intentionally hurt Kyle the way she has. She can have her reasons, try convincing me she did what she thought was right, but she hurt the person I love with all my heart. I don't think I can forgive her for that.

As I stand, I see Diane leaning against one of the plush green chairs by the fireplace. Then she collapses onto the floor and begins violently shaking and twitching and convulsing. I drop the trash bag in my hand and run as fast as I can while screaming, "Kyle!" at the top of my lungs.

We reach Diane at the same time.

'"She's having a seizure," I cry. "Help me get her on her side!"

In fourth grade, Zachary Peters had a seizure in the middle of class. It was terrifying and traumatic. I remember our teacher explaining afterwards that it's important to roll people having seizures onto their side so they don't choke on any vomit they could possibly expel. It was graphic for a group of nine year-olds, but I've never forgotten what she said.

Kyle and I work together to flip Diane onto her side. When I look up, Matt's standing over me, tears streaming down his face.

"Matt!" I yell. His eyes slide over to mine. "You need to call 911! Right now!"

He nods his head and whips out his phone, his fingers shaking as he dials.

Kyle's face is white as he helplessly watches his mom seize, one of his hands resting lightly on her side.

"Talk to her," I tell him. "Tell her you're here."

Kyle stares at me, his dark eyes glassy and fogged over.

"She needs you, baby," I encourage him. "She needs you."

"I'm h-here, Mom," he chokes out. "I'm right here. We're all right here. We're not leaving you."

Diane continues to spasm as we sit beside her.

I don't even realize I'm sobbing until Audra places her hand on mine and tells me to breathe.

Chapter 39

It was the summer before Freshman year. Mom and Diane thought it would be fun to spend a day at the lake. The crystal-clear water. The fresh smell of pine trees and sunshine. The cobalt blue sky, long and wide and deep. A few sparse cottony clouds. It was the perfect day.

We drove down the mountain a few miles before turning off on a dirt road only accessible May through October, if there's no snow.

Matt and I sat in the third row of Diane's SUV while Kyle and his friend (at the time), Hannah, sat in the middle row, her short blond hair shiny and smooth. She smelled like vanilla and soap.

We were going through our Pokémon cards when Kyle turned around and snatched a few out of my hand.

"You guys are so lame," he cocked an eyebrow and looked through my mint condition masterpieces.