"What do you want, Jenny?"

What do I want?


Only him.

"If I win," I run my hands over his forearms draped over my shoulders, "I'll move to Boulder next week."

Kyle's eyes widen in surprise before he whispers into my ear, "Sounds like a win-win to me." Then he kisses my lips, grinning like a fool.

"Let's start the countdown," Diane excitedly hollers.



Matt and Audra step closer to the box. She looks nervous as she reaches out a hand and gently touches his elbow.



Matt relaxes beside her.



He glances over at Audra, and I see his harsh composure falter. He wants to be mad at her, but there's something about her that softens him the way I don't, never have been able to. Where he holds onto his anger with me, it dissipates with Audra.



They each grab a corner of the cardboard as Matt's lips tilt up on one side.



The lid opens and pink balloons burst out of their hiding spot.

Matt wraps his arms around Audra, and he lifts her up, twirls her around. It's like watching everything in slow motion. They're looking at each other, no space between their bodies, standing still as we all celebrate in front of them. Then, she leans in. He does, too. They kiss. And it feels very final.

I'm moving to Boulder next week.

I'm picking up deflated balloons from the stone-tiled floor when Diane's gold sandals come into view. I shove a handful of pink and blue latex and white ribbon into the big black trash bag.

She stands in front of me in a white blouse and flowy pink skirt. Her strawberry-blond hair is pulled to one side as she chews on her bottom lip.

"Hey Jenny," she meekly greets me.

"Hi Diane," I offer blankly as I grab more trash from the ground.

She shifts all her weight to her right leg. "I wanted to apologize for what happened in Florida."