I finish the food and I think about talking to them about my father and my brother. His abuela has been in Warren longer than Hector, and maybe she would recognize the name. Though, I feel like I should wait until later when I am more awake.
“Tonight, we are having dinner, our Thanksgiving dinner,” Abuela says, smiling at me. “We wanted to have you with us for dinner and decided to do something here as well with the rest of our family.”
The feeling of warmth fills me as both Hector and abuela stare at me. I never had any semblance of a family, nothing even remotely warm. I feel tears trickling down my face as I smile.
“oh, amor, no llores, eres parte de nuestra familia ahora.” oh, love, don't you cry, you are a part of our family now. Hector says. He pulls me against him and runs a hand along my hair, trying to comfort me.
I love when he bounces between Spanish and English. Blaise does that a lot too. I can speak Spanish, but hearing a man speak it does something to my body.
“You don't know how much that means to me. I've never actually had a family to call my own. My mother is still alive as you know, but she's never been more than just making sure that I have a guardian to sign any paperwork for school, and even that I did myself.” I sniffle, wiping my eyes and trying to smile again. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mess up breakfast by getting all sappy.”
Abuela walks around the counter, and I turn to face her in the stool. “My dear, you have a family forever more with us.” She leans in, giving me a hug and I breathe in her scent of Rosemary and vanilla. How did I become so lucky to have met such a wonderful man and his wonderful grandmother. I guess when you add up all the bad that's happened in my life, I was bound to have something good for once.
“What she said,” Hector says to me. “Later, I feel we need to talk.” He eyes me and it's then that I realize I still need to tell him about Loyal and Remington. I also want to see if he knows anything about my father. I don't want to keep secrets from him at all when he has welcomed me here.
“I agree. There are some things that I want to talk to you about as well.” I watch his eyebrows raise and for a moment, he just studies me. He doesn't say anything other than a nod and we go back to finishing breakfast.
The rest of breakfast is done in relatively peaceful silence, and by the time that I finished the last pastry, Hector drags me back up to his room where we take a shower together. Everything about Hector is happening so easily, that I'm not sure if it's all too perfect, and if the other shoe is going to drop tonight.
I would hope not, but I still know there's some things that he's hiding from me, and the nagging feeling in the back of my mind tells me that it's not going to be good. For the rest of the day, we spend time together.
As it gets closer to dinner, I notice that people are coming and going throughout the day. I ask him a few times, but he tells me they are business partners. When I ask him if he needs to deal with anything, he says his abuela is taking care of it.
I again try and ask him what he does but as usual, he effectively tells me that he will tell me another time. I don’t push him because I currently have secrets and as we are walking around his massive garden that has now all but died.
“Hector, I need to tell you something.” I stop walking and he turns to face me.
“Anything, love.” He smiles warmly at me and for a moment, I feel like shit.
“The other night, I found out some information about my father and got into a fight with my mother. I left and went to the club to dance. I ended up running into Loyal and Remington, and…” I trail off, scared to say the next thing.
Images of that night flash through my mind. I was so drunk, but coherent enough to know what I wanted. I wanted to know what they would feel like.
“You don’t have to worry about telling me anything.” Hector reassures me and I smile at him.
“I slept with Loyal and Remington.” I look down at our feet and wait for him to say something.
“Brin.” He touches my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye. “I told you before that as long as there is a place for me in your heart, then I am okay.”
“It's not like that. I don’t even like them.”
Hector chuckles and looks at me. “You must like them somewhat or you wouldn’t have had them in your bed, and I am not mad, my love.”
“It’s not fair to you. How do I expect you to not be with anyone other than me?”
“Because I don’t want anyone other than you.” He pulls me to him and kisses me soundly. I smile as we keep walking until his abuela calls us in.
* * *
The food is amazing. Abuela went all out with the dinner and with some of Hector’s cousins here, the food is disappearing. They all have been kind to me and for once, everything else leaves my head. I don’t think about going back to school, or the problems with my mother.
Hector’s family is all about laughter. Though I feel really underdressed. Most of them are dressed in expensive suits or dresses. They all introduced themselves to me when I met them. Though, half their names, I will not remember.
As we eat, I listen to them talk.I don’t understand much as they transition between Spanish and English. It takes a moment for my brain to process the switch. My mother taught me Spanish by speaking it.
“Brinley, how long have you and my darling cousin, Hector, been dating?” His cousin, Elise asks me. I notice how she hesitates when she says his name, meaning that he's told them ahead of time that I don't know his actual name.
“Not too long, actually.” I nervously fiddle with my hands while the rest of the table decides to tune into our conversation.