“So, I heard that you are closer to the tracks on the south side of Warren. Is that correct?”
“Yes, I've lived there my whole life. I'm actually in the trailer park not too far from the tracks. One day, I'm going to move out of there and live a much better life than what I did. Going to Skystead Prep is my ticket out of the swamps.”
“You go to Skystead?” Elise asks, sounding very surprised.
“I do. I won the scholarship for the essay, and I'm so glad that I did because I plan a future much better for my children than what I have had to endure. In fact, it wasn't too long ago that I just found out my biological father and brother’s name.”
I slam my mouth closed. I didn't actually mean to say that out loud with all these people at the dinner table, but now that it's out there, everybody looks momentarily stunned by what I said.
Hector looks around the room and grabs my hand. “It's okay, love. Most of us come from rough backgrounds. I was just lucky enough to have my abuela. She stepped in when nobody else would and raised me like her very own son after my parents died.”
Another thing that I noticed he stumbles on which makes me think that there was more behind his parents death than he actually told me.
“What is your father's name?” Elise asked me, changing this conversation back to the accidental information leak.
I don't really know what to say and at this point, I'm really uncomfortable, but even Hector is looking at me, expecting an answer.
“Kove Mariano. My mother didn't tell me much about him, just that there was some family drama and for whatever reason, I was the child left behind while my brother was taken in.” I don't immediately notice the silence that's happening around me. “I just can't help but wonder what my life would have been like had I been the child he took. The only picture my mother has looking happy is with my brother, so I think he would have actually done better with her and maybe, I would have done better with him.”
“Get out.” My head whips up and I'm looking at Elise.
“I'm sorry?” Confusion hits me as I look at her. Everyone else around the table looks stunned and actually angry.
“Hector, you need to make her leave, right now.” Elise tells Hector. I feel Hector gripped my thigh, but he doesn't answer her, nor does he try to take the claim that I should leave.
“Why would I need to leave? Did I do something wrong, or say something wrong?” I'm really struggling right now to figure out why everybody's looking at me like I told them I was planning on murdering them.
“Darling, do you know who your father is?” Abuela grabs my attention, forcing it to her. I see the steady look that she's giving me and I know that the next answer I give her is gonna be the one that determines what I'm doing here.
“No, I don't know who my father is. Like I said, my mother just told me his name and some weird story about why I was the unfortunate child that ended up in her care while my brother ended up with our father. Believe me, if I knew who he was, I would try to track him down and ask him what made me the hated child of the two of us.”
“So, you never knew anything up until the other day?” Abuela double checks my answer.
“No, I promise you, I didn't know anything. What is the problem with my father? Why is everybody at this table looking at me like I just committed the biggest sin?”
“Honey, I hate to have to do this to you, but you really do need to leave the house at once?” Her eyes turned shroud as she stares at me and for the first time since I've met her, I can feel hate blasting off of her.
I stand, unsure of what is happening, but I nod and I thank her again for the food. I look at Hector who hesitates to look at me. “Hector, will you walk me outside?”
He stays frozen in his seat, not bothering to look up from his plate when I hear a shrewd laugh from Elise. “Enough of the charade. Tell her your fucking name.”
“Thiago,” Hector says. Or Thiago says. My whole body freezes when I realize what he just said. “I'm sorry. What did you say? Are you telling me that your name is really Thiago?”
“That's exactly what I'm telling you, and now you need to get the fuck out of my house.” Stunned again, I start to move away from the table, not feeling as safe as I originally did when I sat down.
“I don't understand what I did, or would have done, by telling you my father's name, but I thought you loved me.” Not caring that everybody else around us is now listening, I focus solely on Thiago.
“Yeah, well, that was before I knew who you are, and since you have no idea who you are, I can't have you here. You're a liability and eventually, your father will come to collect you or even your psychopathic brother.”
“I highly doubt that they've left me alone in the swamps for far too long,” I say. “I promise you, I don't really know who he is. Will you please, just come outside and talk to me?”
“Brinley, just go, dear.” Abuela actually looks like she did when I sat down but this time, her eyes are saddened. “I'm sorry to do this to you, but you are no longer welcomed here. I know what you're saying is true, I can see it in your eyes, but it's too dangerous for you to be here now. You know who Thiago is which means you also know who I am. The Mariano family is a very dangerous family and the fact that you have no idea about who they are, puts you at an even greater risk.”
“Why would that put me at risk when he didn't want anything to do with me since I've been born?” I face her entirely now, trying to keep the tears from falling from my eyes. I am in love with Thiago and even him telling me his real name doesn't change my heart.
“He will come to collect you at some point, and darling, you need to be ready, but I can't have my grandson around you anymore.”
Everyone sits there in silence as I stand and look at everybody. I try to catch the algos eye one more time, but he's glaring down at his food like it's the one who done something wrong to him. Feeling defeated and broken, I leave the house and now, not having a way back to my trailer, I start the long walk back.