Page 17 of Swamp Princess

I don’t want another embarrassment, so I keep pushing us. We need to beat them. My father would shit bricks if we lost again.

“Yo, KG, I’m fucking beat. Between you and the coach, you all are trying to murder us by workout.” I turn and glance at Lane. He is a running back and one of the fastest, but he lacks the control.

I turn and face him fully, setting the towel down that I was using. “You do realize we are playing the swamps this week, right?”

His face falls for a moment but when he looks back up, I see determination in his eyes. “You won’t have anyone left if you keep drilling us this hard. I get you want to win but we need to relax too.”

Before I can say anything, my phone rings. I hold up my hand and lean down to snatch it. I frown when I see my father’s calling. I lovingly named him Dickbag. Answering, I say ‘hey,’ which I know he hates.

“Hello, Kingston.” He takes a moment and I hear his deep sigh that tells me he’s not happy. I won’t correct to a more proper greeting. “You need to come to the office.”

“Why?” I wince as I ask the question because I know what that just cost me.

“Do not question me, just bring yourself here and make it quick.” The phone clicks off and I leave a frustrated sigh into the phone. I hate that he is so demanding.

Anger seething, I look back at Lane. “Two more reps of twenty and then everyone can head back.” He nods and sprints off to tell the guys while I grab my gear and start my walk down to the office. I am going to take my time because I know it will piss him off and since I already did, there is no use in rushing. It will be the same outcome.

After I head back to my room, I shower really quick and then make my way there. I don’t bother knocking and just push it open to catch my father in the middle of sniffing lines. He jerks his chin up and wipes his nose.

“About fucking time.” My father stands and moves closer to me before I can even back up. His hand is on my throat. “You continue to make a fool of me.”

Not moving, I look him straight in the eyes. “I don’t even know what you mean.”

His hand slams on the wall next to me and I make sure I don’t flinch. “That fucking scholarship student is beating your GPA, and I want her out of here.” He backs away from me and starts rambling. “I need her out of here; he will do something to me.”

“Dad?” I question, moving forward. When he gets like this, I have to learn to pick through what he is really getting at.

“She needs to go. He can’t wait until summer.” Even with how well dressed he is, right now, he looks like a freaking crack addict. He looks like he belongs on the other side of the tracks. I know when he comes down from his high that he will fix himself, but right now, he disgusts me.

“I don’t understand,” I say again.

His head whips around and through the high, he glares at me. “I need her gone.” By this point, I know he is talking about the scholarship student. I just don’t know where this is coming from.

I lean against the door as he goes back to his drugs. By this point, he is completely on a high and I have to wait him out. He will be pissed if I don’t stay here and make sure no one sees him. I sigh, I can’t wait until I can leave; leave South Warren and go far beyond my father’s reach.

I watch as his eyes bounce around as he sits down in his chair. The mumblings at this point are incoherent. All I can make of this is the fact that the scholarship student needs to go. If it is a problem with my father then that means it will be a bigger problem for me. I need to push her out.

I send a text to the guys letting them know what is going on and to find the scholarship. We need to figure something out on how to get her to leave and make it look good on paper. Getting her out should be easy and as long as we have a reasonable excuse on paper, we will be able to get away with tossing her back over the tracks. The thought alone makes me smile. More time to fuck with the scholarship. We could even get her so pissed that she decides to leave on her own.

With the new thought in mind, I watch my father until I am sure he is passed out and send a message to the guys to meet me in the room.

Stopping by the receptionist desk on the way out, I make sure to tell her that my father will require a sandwich and some water in a few hours. She nods, not even questioning my order; she already knows what happened. It also makes me wonder if she knows more of what is happening behind his closed door.

I take my time heading to the room. I don’t want to make the sheep suspicious. I stop and flirt with a few girls, making them giggle. A few bolder ones glide their hands down the front of my pants and I push myself against them, not really feeling much but letting them have their fun.

I remind them of my bitch of a fiancé and make sure they know she will be back soon. I hope she actually dies in a boating accident, but I have to make it look like I love her. Again, for the family.

Halfway to my room, I spot the scholarship student. Brinley Venice, even the name sends a flare through me. She again is not paying attention, instead, looking down at her phone and a soft smile playing at her lips. She is probably talking to that swamp fuck again. Jealousy and resentment flare through me.

She is nothing but a poor swamp bitch on the worst side of the tracks. I hate that she gets to smile like that, like she doesn’t have a care in the world. I hate that she is smiling at a text from someone and doesn’t have to pretend.

Before I can even think about it, I storm over to her and slam my shoulder into her, hard. The shocked gasp and the way everything drops from her hands feeds my aggression, making me smile, even if for only a minute.

She stands and twirls to face me. Anger etched in every line of her beautiful face. What the fuck? Not beautiful. Her lips are turned down into a scowl and I can practically see the steam rising off her.

“What the fuck is your deal?” She storms over to me, and she has to tilt her head back to glare into my eyes. Kinda cute. Fuck, shut it down, KG. I watch her shoulders lift and her hands are balled into fists.

I tsk her looking down at her fists. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You would be kicked out on your ass.” Again, I smile down on her, and I turn and walk away, leaving her stewing.