“Brin, get in the car the easy way, or the hard way.” Again, I keep walking, but this time, I flip him off. Satisfaction rolls through me for a moment when I hear Blaise hit the gas and he speeds by me, but it is quickly gone when he blocks the tracks and gets out of his car. “Are you going to make me do this?”
Blaise looks good today. Wearing his white long-sleeved t-shirt with his maroon sweater and gray joggers. His black hair is freshly cut in the fade he always gets, and his face remains clean shaven. I see the diamond studs in his ears and want to grin, but am pissed at the same time. I saved all my money to buy them for him one year and he said he would always wear them, and it seems so far, he kept his promise.
“Go away, Blaise.”
“Hard way it is.” I huff and try to move around him, but I am swept up over his shoulder. My head hangs past his shoulder almost to the middle of his back and I swat at him, but his hand comes up and smacks me on the ass. “Stop, Brinley. You are getting in the car, or I’m not putting you down.”
I watch as Blaise walks the two steps back to his car and I hear the passenger door open. He puts me in the seat, making sure I don’t hit my head and he quickly shuts it and moves to the driver’s side. I have an instant where I want to bolt again, but I know it will just be him getting me back in his car and we would keep doing this the whole time.
Blaise puts the car in drive, and I sit back and look out the window. Our trailers aren’t far from here so this was pointless, but he must have something on his mind for him to force me into the car with him.
It doesn’t take long for him to speak. “Why, Brinley?”
“Why, what?”
He sighs, and it drives me insane. “You know what.”
Getting irritated, I look over at him, angry that I still get the butterflies I always do when I’m with him. “You have to be a little more specific, Blaise, since it seems you think I fuck the entire school or something.”
“Brin, I don’t really think that, but you did have sex with Kingston and Th—” He clears his throat. “Hector.”
Snapping, I glare at him. “The only reason I had sex with Kingston was because I thought it was you.” I lean back, pissed at myself and Blaise.
“What?” He sputters, clearly confused now.
“I only had sex with him because I thought that it was you. The night of the party, I got really drunk and I asked you to come back with me and your response was unclear, so when I felt a guy there, I thought that it was you.”
“How could you not know it wasn’t me?” He asks, now a little angry, which pisses me right the fuck off.
“Fuck. You.” I snap. “I was drunk, and I didn’t know. I was sad, and all I wanted was you, and I thought that it was you.”
“Well, what the fuck was Kingston doing there anyway?”
“He…” I trail off. I never actually asked him why he was there that night. “I don’t know, actually.”
“You never thought to ask him?”
“Obviously not, Blaise, or I would know.” Now he is starting to get on my fucking nerves. “Just drop me off at home and leave me be.’
“I need you to be careful, Brin. Vince is not happy now that you’re with Hector and I am worried he will do almost anything to have you. I am working on it which is why I am with Damien. I am to help him with something, and he will in turn, help us.”
“Why are you treating me like this?” I finally ask him the question that has been weighing on my mind for months now. “I thought that you loved me.” I don’t like how weak my voice sounds when I say that to him and how vulnerable I feel.
“I do, Brin.” Blaise puts his hand on my thigh as we pull up in front of our trailers. “That is why I am doing this. Everything I am doing is for you, and I need you to remember that moving forward.”
I look at him and his eyes are sad, and I can tell he is trying to be serious, but the fact remains that he treated me like I was a whore and has a pretty handsy girlfriend. My heart keeps breaking every time I see them together.
“Are you still with your girlfriend?” He nods before sighing and my heart breaks a little more. “Goodbye, Blaise.” I get out of the car, not wanting to hear more of what he has to say.
“Brinley, please. Can we just spend the holiday together?” He rushes around to grab my arm with a pleading look in his face.
“No, go spend time with your girlfriend, and leave me out of it.” I pull away from him and I watch as his face changes again, this time, to anger.
“Guess you really are getting some good dick now, huh? Too good for me now.” He storms away, leaving feeling pissed and sad.
How fucking dare he. How dare he say the shit he says to me with the recent way he has been acting toward me. He told me he loved me and then showed up to Skystead Prep with a girlfriend, one who is always all over him, which makes me wonder why he isn’t with her.
Finally facing my trailer, I sigh. I wish Hector was in town, I know they would have had me over for the holidays. This is going to be a long fucking break.