Whatever that hard thing, it tugged on me gently, forcing another burst of pleasure and another, until I was half out of my mind with it, completely overwhelmed, so when he reared back, fangs flashing, I couldn’t pay it much mind. I just stared at him, eyes wide, unable to do anything but feel as he struck, biting down into my shoulder.
Because somehow that was all a part of this.
I held him close, cradling his head against my shoulder, feeling the sharp sting of his teeth and then only pure, unadulterated bliss. I thought I could just have a night of fun with Adam, experience what everyone else in the world seemed to, but it was now that I realised my mistake. Adam had marked me far more indelibly than any bite could. I held him close, stroking his back as his cum unloaded inside me, as I flexed and twitched around him.
And that’s when I felt it.
A perfect moment of connection, something that stripped away everything else. It wasn’t just that he was locked down inside me, but the fact there was no me, or him, just we. I sucked that feeling in, one that was just as potent as sexual pleasure, maybe more so for me, and I let out one shaky breath, then another as I stole this moment.
Adam had made clear that he would like to see where things went. Maybe that was a line, maybe he’d call me, but it didn’t matter. I couldn’t allow that to happen. I’d gotten through tonight at first, because Jack needed me, then because Adam seemed to, but I’d been able to endure the moment with the women in the toilets because this wasn’t my world.
They weren’t women I’d need to hang around, get to know, pretend to befriend, even as we bared our teeth at each other. I wouldn’t have to make sure I looked amazing each year the medal ceremony was held. I wouldn’t have to endure the state’s focus on me as his girlfriend, or the country’s, if he made it into the AFL. I wouldn’t have to do anything, because this was not my world. I’d put it on like Jack’s dress and I’d take it back off again and go back to my room and my PJs and my job at the cafe and everything would go back to normal. So I held him extra tight, listening to the noisy rasp of his breath settle, his heart rate slowing to match mine.
“I like this look on you,” Adam said.
He looked wide-eyed and shaky after he pulled free, then rushed to the bathroom to find something to clean me up. But rather than wipe his cum away, he seemed to be playing with it, sliding his fingers through my too sensitive folds, then pushing the cum that he collected back in.
“We could do this again,” he said, daring to look at me, a strange hunger there. “I like seeing my cum leak out of you, but I like giving it to you more.”
“You wanna make me messy, golden boy?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Fuck…” His voice was a low hiss. “More than you can possibly know.”
“Well, c’mon then,” I said, reaching up to pull him down beside me, then moving to straddle his hips. He was hard already and I was unsteady, not sure what the fuck I was doing, until his hands went to my waist to help me. We both worked it out together, the sting on my neck a counterpoint to the hurricane of pleasure we created together.
But later, much later, in the early hours of the morning, I was up and out of bed, searching for my clothes and shoes. I put the bustier on over breasts that ached with all of the stimulation they’d received, the hollow between them sticky with Adam’s cum. I even wriggled back into the dress, managing to get the zipper up as far as I could for decency’s sake, but I was missing one thing.
He’d noticed my shoes when we finally pulled them off, asking me questions about my art, everything, with this weird kind of intensity, like he cared or something. But it was the spectre of that which had me running. If I stayed, I’d never be able to leave his side, and somehow I figured that’d be bad for both of us.
Dad was sure that Adam had what it took to make it to the national league, which would probably mean a move to Melbourne. He would be travelling all over the country to play games and anyone he was dating would need to go with him, and that was not me. My chest ached and I rubbed at my chest as I searched for my shoes, finding one and pulling it on, right as he snorted. I froze as he lifted his head off the pillow, looking around blindly, but not seeing me, before flopping back down into sleep.
And I wanted to climb back into bed and join him.
That tug in my chest, that need to push his hair away from his face, it fucking terrified me. It wasn’t even that I was worried that this was all bullshit to get into my pants. In some ways this would be easier if it was. I craved connection, but I craved quiet, stillness, peace more and that’s why I left.
He groaned my name, reaching for me and when he didn’t find me beside him, he began to wake up. I could’ve stayed, explained, made clear why this wouldn’t have worked, thanked him for one of the most amazing moments of my life, but I didn’t. I looked frantically around for my other shoe, finally seeing it tucked under the bed, but when I moved closer, he called my name again.
And I was too much of a fucking coward to face him.
I turned tail then, slipping out the door and then striding down the hall, away from him, away from that feeling of connection that would hopefully come again. With someone less high profile, more low-key.
More like me.
I pressed my finger on the lift button over and over, willing it to arrive, and the sound of the ding was a lifesaver. I heard a door open down the hall, but didn’t see if it was Adam, ducking into the lift and then punching the ground floor button. I’d message Jack about my stuff later, fill her in on what went on, but right now I flagged down a cab that passed by and got it.
“Where to, love?” the driver asked.
Home, that’s what I wanted to say, where it was safe, but I gave him my address instead.
Chapter 13
“Where is she?”
Sometime the next morning, I busted into Jack’s room the minute she opened the door. She looked like fucking shit, but I was in no place to point fingers. I no doubt looked like a madman as I paced around the room, sticking my head in the rooms.