Chapter 12
Oh my fucking god.
I wasn’t able to think anything more coherently, because fuck. Just because I was a virgin, it didn’t mean I needed to be ‘broken in’, but this. The difference between a silicon toy and a man was so great, they almost couldn’t be the same thing. He was thrusting into me, filling me right up, just as he said, almost to the point of pain. But that fucking stretch. I didn’t think I was a size queen, but maybe I was reconsidering that idea. Because every time he pulled back, I clawed at his shoulders, tightened my legs around his waist. I didn’t need him drawing away, I needed him deeper.
So I told him that.
Babbling words fell from my lips, trying to communicate what I felt. There was this… spot inside me, that had woken up when his fingers raked against it and suddenly I needed more, more. I knew I couldn’t. A cock is not a G-spot attachment, but… He was driving me out of my fucking mind, the pleasure so much more intense this way.
I couldn’t ignore that heavy drag of him inside me. It made every nerve come alive in a way that was kind of overwhelming, right up until the point I surrendered to it. “Fuck… fuck…” I whispered that over and over, as my hips shifted, as I worked my body in time with his.
“God, you feel so fucking good,” he growled.
My eyes flicked open and I saw a twin of my own expression I was willing to bet. He needed me as much as I needed him.
“So good,” I ground out with a sharp nod.
“You gonna come for me again, beautiful? I need to feel it. Your cunt tightening around my cock, fucking strangling it as I fill you with my seed. I want that so much. I want you full of me, belly swelling, cum oozing out at every step, forcing me to fill you with more. You want that, right?”
Breeding kinks had filtered into the mainstream consciousness and the idea had squicked me out, until now. When I read about it, it was two or more strangers experiencing it and that did nothing for me, but now?
“Fill me up?” I ran a spare hand down my belly, thankful at this angle it was relatively flat. “You want to give me all you’ve got, filling me with cum until something takes—”
“Oh fuck,” he groaned, a look of helpless pleasure transforming his face.
“You want to breed me.”
I thought I knew who I was in bed with, but right at the moment, something changed. The barely-in-control guy faded away and something else rose. Whoever was in control, his eyes blazed so pale a blue they were almost white and they stared at me unblinking.
“No,” he said, whoever that was, and for a second I felt a jolt of rejection, but that was quickly swept away. “I don’t want it. I need it. To fuck you over and over, until you can’t walk, my cum running down your legs. You so overheated, you claw me back for more. I need to feel your tight little cunt snapping tight, wringing every drop of cum out of me as it floods your womb. Because this isn’t one and done, beautiful, not by a long shot. I need to make you mine forever.”
Just because you’re a virgin, doesn’t mean you’re inexperienced. Just because you don’t feel sexual desire like other people, doesn’t mean you don’t understand your own. I knew people liked to have fantasies, playing mental games in the moment to get them off, the whole vibe fading away the moment you came. But right now I was both turned on as fuck and terrified.
Because I wanted just that.
I read a lot of books, online stories, erotica about just this thing, about groups of men surrounding a sole woman, forcing her to feel so much pleasure, right before they did this. Come inside every hole, marking her as theirs, over and over until she received their final claim, getting pregnant. The idea of having a child in real life just exhausted me, but this…
I dragged his head down and kissed him furiously, forcing him to suck down my muffled cries of pleasure as it hit me hard.
I came and came, the waves of pleasure hitting me so hard, they spurred on others. I was a crying, sweating, screaming mess, my whole body going into riot as he drove through every one, going deeper and deeper, scratching that itch, but not, until this happened.
Was this normal?
“Shit, shit, Freya, I can’t hold it back!”
I felt something hard shift inside me, slowing his pace, because something dug in. Oh fuck yes… I flopped down on the bed, not even trying to participate now, because all I could do was feel.
Adam was perfect, so fucking perfect.
Other people seemed to get off to their fantasies about the hot guy they saw on the train, or even those hot people fucking in new and unusual ways in a porn movie, but not me. I needed this. The sense of connection that seemed to throb with life between us, allowing me to feel it. It was almost as if my lack of sexual response in the outside world made solo time all the more intense. In my dreams I could conjure the perfect lover.
Or lovers.
And the idea of them insane with need for me, perfect for me, wanting everything I wanted, wanting me so much they’d never let me go, that was exactly what I needed. I felt like I floated free inside that fantasy right now, as Adam’s eyes bore into mine.