Page 8 of Champion

Her long hair was a velvet curtain around us. Within its cocoon, the rest of the world seemed far away and unimportant.

“No.” I wrapped my arms tighter around her and held her gaze.

Silvery sparks rained down on me, her attempt to extinguish my desire. That wasn’t going to happen. I flipped us over and caged her beneath me.

“What do you mean, no?” Her brows crashed together like black cymbals. “Let me go now!”

She squirmed, trying to wriggle out from beneath me.

My body tightened, reacting to the friction with hers. I bit back a groan as fire licked my skin.

“Holy hell, you’re big.” She beat her delicate hands against my chest.

I wasn’t only bigger than her—I was rock hard. My cock ached, but I needed to get something straight with her before this went any further. Sitting back on my haunches, I removed her headphones.

“Now you can talk at a normal level.” A grin tugged at the corners of my mouth as I stared down at her. Man, she was spirited and pretty to look at.

“I don’t want to talk.” She pressed her lips together.

“Well, I do, so indulge me.”

Not quite true. What I really wanted was to kiss her, then get her naked. My palms tingled with the urge to shape her curves.

“What’s your name?” I asked and threw my arm over her legs to keep her where I wanted her.

Defiant, she shook her head. Her long hair shimmered around her slender shoulders. The setting sun behind me made those glossy layers shine like diamonds.

“But that’s not fair, is it? Not when you know mine.” I watched her closely. She didn’t deny recognizing me. “You a football fan?”

“Not really,” she said and bit down on her plump bottom lip.

I wasn’t sure what to do with that answer. On the one hand, being a legend made getting laid easy. On the other hand, it came with built-in expectations that made intimacy complicated.

“You from around here?” I asked, trying a different line of questioning.

“Huh?” Her gaze dropped.

Being the focus of her perusal, my monster erection grew larger.

“Do you live on Saint Croix?” I rephrased my question, slowly spacing out the words. Good thing I wasn’t the only one having difficulty with higher brain function. “Or are you just visiting the island like me?”

“I’m not from here.” She lifted her chin. The sultriness from her eyes was gone, revealing shadows within them that hadn’t been there before.

Was it possible that she’d come to the island hoping to escape who she was back home too?


“YOU USUALLY TACKLE random women you don’t know?” I asked airily, pretending to be unaffected by Champion Valentine.

The reality was my heart had been racing since I saw him. What the hell was he doing here on Saint Croix?

“Get your arm off me,” I said with a huff.

My acting deserved an award since I was melting being so close to the handsome Texas Lonestars quarterback who I’d imagined naked many times, including right now. Even with clothes on, the reality of him was so much better than I’d fantasized.

“Whatever game you’re playing, Mr. Valentine,” I said with a sniff, pinning him with the imperial glare I gave to overly pushy guys at the club, “it has gone on long enough.”

“Not playing a game. Not yet, at least.” He tackled my question as effortlessly as he’d tackled me. His dreamy eyes, the same blinding topaz as the Caribbean Sea, narrowed. “I’m not nearly through with you.”