Page 7 of Champion

What the hell?

Her eyes widened slightly as if she felt something too, or more likely, she recognized me. A becoming blush coloring her cheeks, she rapidly blinked. She mumbled something and tore her gaze away, breaking the connection between us.

Disappointment pinged around inside my chest. I needed to talk to her, get answers to my questions, get her beneath me in a bed, but she suddenly leaped from her perch.

Fuck. I pulled in a sharp breath, then exhaled it when she landed safely. The guy in the car behind me honked again, more insistently this time.

“All right, okay.” I glared in the rearview mirror at the impatient driver. Stepping on the gas, I blitzed through the intersection and quickly pulled over to the side of the road.

This so wasn’t over.

Shoving my door open, I got out and spun around, but the beautiful woman wasn’t where I last saw her. Scanning the area, I found her running through the field behind her tree.

“Wait up!” I shouted at her. “I need to talk to you.” But I wanted to do much more than talk.

Hearing me, she pulled her shoulders in but didn’t slow down. She ran faster.

Challenge accepted.

Pocketing my key fob, I sprinted across the road, narrowly avoiding being hit by a truck. When I made it to the other side of the road, my tennis shoes encountered soil that was spongy and shit for traction, but I didn’t let that deter me. I went after her like she was the end zone that I needed to reach to score the game-winning touchdown.

Ahead of me about twenty yards, she leaped like a gazelle over mounds of tall grass. I followed, trampling the blades flat with my size thirteen shoes.

Why the hell is she running? Is she scared? I didn’t understand why. I thought she’d recognized me.

I wanted those questions answered and more.

Everything about this situation was upside down and out of character for me. I didn’t normally chase women. After all, I didn’t need to. They threw themselves at me. To avoid that, I had my convenient arrangement with Mercedes. But though the owner of Fantasy was beautiful, I couldn’t remember what she looked like right now.

Arms and legs pumping, I was soon only three yards from my goal, then just two. On the field, I was known as an in-the-pocket quarterback, but when forced out of it, I could run. Fast.

My vision tunneled. Close enough to catch her, I reached out and plucked her off the ground.

She gasped.

My body jolting, I sucked in a sharp breath too. My third one with this woman.

The awareness I’d felt earlier was nothing compared to touching her. She was a lightning-bolt-shaped siren scented like Carolina jasmine.

Off balance, I went down and took her with me. No way was I letting her go now that I had her, a woman who filled me with lust and scrambled my senses.

Twisting in midair, I managed to hit the ground first, protecting her. The sandy soil was soft against my back, but the siren on top of me was delightfully softer. Having her, I didn’t pause to revel in the bliss I had attained. I only wanted more, and I was determined to have it.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” She did a pushup using my chest. Apparently, she didn’t share my let’s-get-naked-now desire.

Fucking hell. She was even more exquisite up close. However, she had flames in her eyes. They didn’t have the effect on me that I think she wanted. I wasn’t incinerated. My desire just burned hotter.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I fired back.

“What?” Flustered by my going on the offensive, she parted her full lips.

I wanted to take advantage, slip my tongue between them and taste her. But I resisted, or at least I did for now.

“That branch you were recklessly spinning on was eight feet off the ground. If you had fallen, you could have broken your leg, been paralyzed, or worse.”

I aimed my displeasure at her, attempting to make my point, an important one about her safety, but I could barely manage it. She was far too distracting.

“I wouldn’t have fallen.” Her straight nose wrinkled, that spark of impudence in her gaze continuing to blaze. “Not that it’s any of your business. Let me go,” she demanded over loudly.