Page 84 of Sinful Desires

Hunter kept to the shadows as he jogged around the buildings. By now, Aspen and Gia were slipping into the building where the dorms were located.

“I’m going to head to the dungeons now and get everything set up,” Foster stated, looking between us. “You coming?”

Collin hesitated. “Hunter might need help. I’ll stay here just in case.”

Foster’s gaze slid over to me. There was no reason for me to hang back too, so I just nodded. Planning the torture could be just as fun as inflicting it and I didn’t want to pass that up.

I followed Foster to the library where we discovered that it was locked. Digging into his pocket, he retrieved what appeared to be a bobby pin and he inserted it into the lock before toying with it until a click sounded. Opening the door, we both scurried inside before anyone could see us. The entire room was dark and turning on the light would just raise questions for people passing by, so I dug out my phone instead and flicked on the flashlight.

It didn’t take long for us to find the right place, and as soon as the passageway opened, we made our way down the steps.

“Why is it always so damn stuffy in here?” Foster complained, waving a hand in front of his face like it was supposed to help.

I smirked in response. “Probably because a lot of people were tortured and killed down here.” If it weren’t for the updated library, I’d assume this place was centuries old.

Once we rounded the corner, I got to work turning on the lanterns that adorned the left side of the wall. It lit up the area enough, so I no longer needed my phone. Turning off my flashlight, I stuffed the device back into my pocket.

Excitement sparked through me as we began moving toward the torture chamber. We’ve only had the pleasure of using this room twice—which was a complete waste. This room was my all time favorite. Everything we could need for inflicting pain and discomfort was in this room. Usually, people who made it to this room never made it back to the dorms—or anywhere else for that matter. We disposed of their bodies in the pond near the back of the woods. Most people didn’t even know it existed. I ordered some carnivorous fish that would dispose of whatever remains were left. Needless to say, you could get anything on the black market.

Once we entered my favorite room, Foster turned on the light. I licked my lips as adrenaline pumped through me at the mere thought of being able to use this room today. I didn’t want to hurt Aspen too badly. Not yet. So, I’d have to compromise. My dick twitched in my pants as I fantasized about strapping her to one of these machines naked with the cuts on display for the guys to see. Her arms and legs would be bound, leaving her completely helpless. All she could do was scream and take whatever we wanted to give her.

There was also an ice bath, a coffin with spikes inside—which was one of the most brutal deaths imaginable, a metal cage that hung from the ceiling, and so much more. On the back wall was a variety of weapons we could use, and I had a feeling we’d be using the stone table today. It seemed the most appropriate.

“You’re thinking about something,” Foster pointed out, forcing me back to reality. “You have that look in your eye. Tell me.”

I shrugged. “Honestly? I’m thinking about stripping her naked and hooking her up to that contraption over there.” I motioned to the one I was talking about. It was designed specifically for sexual torture. Her arms would be bound in front of her, and she’d be bent over whether she liked it or not, her ass in the air. “And then I’d take one of those whips over there.” I jutted my chin in the direction of the weapons and whatnot. “I’d cut into her skin with my knife, get high on her blood, and fuck her until she suffocated on her own screams.”

When I looked back at Foster, his eyes were glazed over, and the corner of his mouth was tilted so slightly that I could have imagined it.

“That’s pretty fucking dark,” he said thoughtfully, like he wasn’t just fantasizing about it himself.

I shrugged again. Foster would never admit that he wanted her, or any girl for that matter. He acted like the mere thought of going to club Euphoria repulsed him, but he stared too much at the women there for that to be the case.

“What are you planning on doing to her?” I questioned.

He rolled his tongue between his lips, his eyes flickering from contraption to contraption. “I’m not sure,” he admitted after a few moments. “I kind of go with whatever I’m feeling in the moment.”

That sounded about right. Foster had a tendency to act on his emotions. Sometimes it was a good thing, other times…not so much.

“I’m thinking about using the stone table,” I confessed. As much fun as having her bent over and completely at my mercy appealed to me, fucking her would have to wait. Today was all about restraint—for me anyways. I wanted to take my time with her. Fuck. I wanted her to beg me when I finally took what belonged to me.

Right on cue, I heard the muffled screams of my girl. Collin stood behind her, binding her arms. With his free hand, he had it wrapped around her waist. Hunter stood by for support, a bored expression plastered over his face—like he’d rather be doing anything else. A bag rested over her head, preventing her from seeing anything.

“Get the fuck off me,” she snapped, stomping her foot wildly. She managed to jam her heel into Collin’s foot, making him growl in response.

Hunter grabbed her upper arm and jerked her out of Collin’s grasp where he proceeded to shove her into the wall, forcing the air from her lungs.

“You are in no position to make demands, little girl.” Hunter’s voice was dark, cold, and calculated as the words tumbled from his lips. His eyes were glazed over, begging for the same bloodlust we all so desperately seemed to want.

Foster strode forward, his eyes fixating on the girl being held against her will.

“Why don’t you start?” he suggested. “Show her how much of a slut she is.”

Hunter’s attention snapped to Foster, uncertainty swirling through his gaze. Hunter and Jessica had been together since he got here practically. Right away, they were inseparable. After the puppy dog stage, she became really controlling. Hunter still tolerated it, but it’s just gotten worse and worse. Finally, Raven stumbled into his lap and gave him the attention he yearned for. She listened to him, gave him decent sex, and was the friend he needed. However, there was something missing between them so pursuing her wasn’t an option. He only wanted to be friends with her, and I think it might have been mutual. He couldn’t make up his mind about what he wanted, and before he could, Aspen put a wedge between him and Jess, taking that choice away from him.

“Don’t mind if I fucking do,” he growled, taking both of her wrists in one hand and pinning them above her head. Collin was by his side in seconds, pulling her pants down her legs and forcing her out of them. She squirmed, trying to kick him away from her. When her foot connected with Collin’s bicep, he stumbled back, his face contorting with rage. Grabbing her leg forcefully to keep her from moving, he sunk his teeth into her thigh hard.

A scream erupted from her throat and her body went limp against the wall. She trembled from both fear and pain as she anticipated what we planned on doing to her. Her chest rose and fell at an uneven pace, and I could already picture her face. She’d be worrying her lower lip between her teeth as she bit back the urge to cry, not wanting to give us the satisfaction. But the pain she felt would be too much until eventually, she had no other choice.