Page 62 of Sinful Desires

Raven snorted in amusement, a fire burning within her eyes. “I don’t think so,” she snapped, leaving no room for argument. However, I knew Foster wouldn’t leave without getting what he wanted.

Right on cue, the guy in question strolled forward himself as he peered down at the two girls who were keeping him from getting his way.

“Guys, chill out,” I said, getting them all to look at me again. “It’s not a huge deal.” I had no idea what I was doing and was just going with the flow at this point. If this didn’t work, things were about to get a hell of a lot more complicated. “Foster wants to experiment,” I rushed out, cringing at the way the words tasted on my tongue and knowing I’d pay for it later. “Sexually. With your friend.”

There was no way I was throwing myself or Collin under the bus, and seeing as how Foster got us into this mess in the first place, it seemed fitting.

Raven and Gia shared incredulous looks as they silently communicated with one another.

Foster inched closer to me, and dropped his voice so that only I could hear. “I’m going to kill you for this,” he hissed under his breath. I choked back a laugh, knowing very good and well that he meant it.

“It’s fine,” Aspen told them, waving a dismissive hand around in the air. Her gaze slid over to us before her eyes narrowed. She didn’t buy our story, but knew that if her friends kept on, that it would only get worse. “I’m sure they just want to talk.”

“That’s exactly what we want.” Myles grinned, slinging his arms around my shoulders.

“Seriously?” Jessica deadpanned, reminding us all that she was still here. “Does Foster actually want to fuck her? Of all people?” Aspen snorted at her obliviousness but didn’t say anything.

“Apparently,” Foster said through clenched teeth.

“Well,” Aspen began. “If I’m willing to fuck Collin then apparently I’m willing to give anyone a shot.” I barked a laugh at the stab and glanced over at the guy on the other end of that remark. He was glaring at her, but no one seemed to notice except for me.

“Yeah, maybe. You’ve been here for what? A couple weeks now and already have the label of the school slut?” He shrugged. “I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t warn Foster about how sloppy you were in bed.”

Aspen rolled her eyes, not giving in to his little game.

“Before this escalates any further…” Foster trailed off, offering his hand out to her. Grimacing, she took it, making his entire body tense from the unwanted contact.

I had no idea how I was going to pull this off. I couldn’t exactly tell Jess I was spending the night at Foster’s now because for all she knew, he was going to be fucking Aspen.

Fuck my life.

Chapter 19


What the fuck has my life become? Collin’s words echoed around my head. The school slut. I didn’t think that about myself, but from the outside looking in, it made sense why other people would.

Foster’s hand was still clasped around mine, his posture stiff—like he’d rather be doing anything else than pretending like there was something going on between us. I’d attempted to jerk my arm free on three different occasions, but he wasn’t having that. According to Myles, we needed to act like we liked each other so that Jessica and Madison bought the story. They seemed to forget about one tiny important detail though. I didn’t give a fuck if they knew the truth or not.

They still haven’t told me what they wanted, and I had a feeling that as long as the two girls were following us around, they wouldn’t. Collin and Madison kept whispering from behind me. Every now and then I’d hear my name and they’d start laughing.

After a few moments of nothing, Madison giggled. “I’ve missed you so much.” Scrunching up my nose in disgust, I swallowed the bile that threatened to explode out of me.

“Well, let’s go back to my room and I’ll make it up to you,” he offered in a soft tone.

My stomach twisted into knots. It shouldn’t bother me. I had a pretty good idea of what kind of person he was before deciding to sleep with him. I’d even told myself he was nothing more than a means to an end. Unfortunately, my heart had other ideas right now.

Madison and Collin walked off with Jessica and Hunter following behind, presumably to go bang one out. Once we reached Foster’s room, that’s when I grew even more confused. Foster led the way inside, dropping my hand once we were secured within the bedroom. My gaze traveled around the red interior as I took it all in.

“Why am I here?” I demanded, whirling around to face him. He was blocking the door, and I had a feeling that was intentional. “The shit you guys pulled with Raven and Gia wasn’t cool,” I snapped, anger slithering through my veins. “You made me look like a whore.”

“Aren’t you one though?”

Taking a step forward, his gaze snagged on my closed fist as I readied myself to hit him. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he remarked dryly. “Do you remember the last time you hit me?”

Peeling my upper lip back, I snarled at him. He was right. My skin still ached around the marks he and his friends left on my body.

“What do you want with me?” I repeated, my patience dwindling.