“I don’t want anything from you.” He shrugged. “But you will be spending the night with Hunter tonight. You understand, yes?” His arrogance was grating on my fucking nerves and I was this close to saying ‘fuck it’ and kicking him where it hurt.
Disbelief washed through me as his words set in. “No. I don’t understand,” I retorted bitterly. “And you’re fucking deranged if you think that’s happening.”
The corner of his mouth kicked up into a smirk, aiding in annoying me further. The fact that he was one of the sexiest guys I’ve ever seen didn’t help matters either. “You act like you have a say,” he retorted, taking a step toward me.
“I do.”
Pursing his lips, he nodded, catching me off guard. “You’re right,” he admitted. “You do have a choice. You can either be a good little girl and spend the night with Hunter as asked, or you can spend the night in the cell.” He shrugged. “The choice is yours.”
A scoff fluttered past my lips. “You get off on this, don’t you?”
“I’m not sure what you mean,” he replied nonchalantly.
Rolling my eyes, I leveled him with a glare. These games weren’t getting me anywhere and I’d rather be anywhere but here. Hell, maybe even that cell would be a better alternative.
“Don’t play dumb,” I snapped. “You’re fucking deranged. All of you are.”
“I’ve been called worse.”
Before I could tell him off again, the door opened, and Hunter stepped inside. His gaze flung from Foster to me before they settled on his friend.
“About damn time,” Foster said, striding over to the other side of his room. “Get her the fuck out of here.”
“Sorry,” Hunter said with a shrug. “Had to get Jess off my back.” Turning to me, he gave me a distasteful onceover. “Come on.”
Sighing, I started to weigh my options. Did I want to go with Hunter, or should I take my chances in the cell? Deciding that Hunter was probably the better option, I obliged and followed him out into the hall.
Once we reached his room, the differences between his room and Foster’s were vast. Hunter’s room was decked out in blue and gray, making it look more like a teenage boy lived here.
“You can shower if you want,” he offered, shrugging out of his jacket, and hanging it on the back of his desk chair. “Collin will be by with a change of clothes later.”
“I’ll wait to shower until he shows up.” The last thing I needed was to wear Hunter’s shirt around. Repeating history wasn’t on my agenda for today.
He dropped down onto the edge of his bed and pulled out his phone. His eyebrows furrowed when he glanced down at the screen, and it was easy to assume that Jessica or Raven were bombarding him with messages. His dark hair fell in front of his eyes as he looked down at the phone. Glancing back up at me, he placed the cellular device in his lap.
“Collin’s on the way.”
Biting down on my lower lip to avoid smirking, a diabolical idea sprung to life in my head.
“Wanna have some fun?” I questioned suggestively.
He rolled his eyes, but by the look on his face I could tell he wasn’t entirely opposed to the idea. I’ve already sucked his dick before, so it wasn’t anything new.
“You’re just trying to make Collin jealous,” he retorted, with a sexy smirk.
Shooting him a smirk of my own, I stepped toward him. “So, what if I am?” I queried, grabbing his phone, and placing it beside him on the bed. His gaze tracked my movements before he fixed his attention on my face once more.
“I’m not going to fuck you.”
Straddling his lap, I wound my arms around his neck. “So, don’t.”
That’s all it took for his lips to clash against mine. Truthfully, I wasn’t doing this because of Collin. It was Jessica I wanted to piss off this time. If Hunter thought I had the power to make Collin jealous, then he was sadly mistaken.
His tongue slipped between my lips and I returned the kiss with just as much ferocity while grinding down against his hardened length. He groaned into my mouth, his fingertips digging into my sides as he encouraged me. My thighs clenched with the need to have him inside of me, but that wasn’t what I was doing this for. Rocking my body against his, he broke the kiss, leaving me breathless as his lips trailed along my jaw and neck.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he panted, grabbing a handful of my ass as his lips continued to work down my chest.
While he was occupied with kissing my neck and fondling me, my gaze flicked over to his phone. Slowly, I moved one hand down his side before reaching out and grabbing it.