Page 22 of Minefield

He stops kicking at the ground and looks up at me. “You don’t need to thank me. It’s kinda my job. I wouldn’t have gotten there in time if it wasn’t for that sister of yours. She wasn’t gonna stop till she found you guys,” he explains. “Not gonna lie, she fucking scared me a little,” I throw my head back, laughing. He’s not wrong. Iris can be pretty terrifying.

“Don’t worry. She scares the shit outta me too sometimes,” I say. We both laugh.

“So your brother tried to bail himself out. Didn’t work. Not when his charges are longer than a fucking grocery list.” I nod my head.

“I wanna talk to him,” I say.

“I figured you would, so I set something up. In a few months, when you’re feeling better, I’ve set up an interview. It’ll just be you, me and, hopefully, Delilah. You guys deserve closer and hopefully that will help,” Nathan explains. I nod.

We both stood there, taking in the silence.

“She’ll be okay, man. She’s a fighter.” Nathan says, patting my shoulder. All I could do was nod in agreement.

Another moment of silence passes by before my phone rings. It’s Iris.

“Hello?” I rush out when I answer.

“Jay woke up an hour ago,” she whispers.

Chapter Eighteen


It’s been almost a month since everything went down. Slowly, things have gone back to normal. Doll is back to her bossy, bitchy self. Jay is slowly coming around. We haven’t communicated much. Once he was a little better, I let him know about Delilah. He didn’t say much. I could tell it fucked with him a bit.

I haven’t stayed away from the hospital. There haven’t been any changes in her condition, but I just can’t leave her. Iris argues with me all the time, telling me I need to go home and get some proper rest, but I just ignore her and go about my day.

I’ve left General in charge of the club. I know he’ll do a good job taking care of things while I’m gone.

I still haven’t gone to see Isaiah. I still need a little more time, so I don’t walk in there and put a bullet in his head before I get answers.

I sit in the chair I’ve called home for the last few weeks and watch Delilah. Looking for any sign of life. I sigh and lean back in the chair. I rest my head on the back of it and close my eyes.

I must’ve dosed off because when I open my eyes, the sun was setting in the distance. I smile, remembering Delilah and I’s sunset and sunrise drives. I look at her and my heart explodes. Her eyes are open and she’s looking out of the window at the setting sun.

“Del?” I say slowly, getting up from my chair. She blinks and looks at me and tries to give me a smile, but the tubes stop her. “I’ll get someone,” I say, running out of her room.

I find a doctor and call Iris and tell her to get her ass up here. I go to enter Delilah’s room again, but nurses stop me and tell me they need to do a few things before I can see her again.

“She’s awake!?” I hear Iris scream as she runs down the hall. I nod and go to stop her, but she barges right into the room. I roll my eyes. Of course, she can, little stubborn shit with her doctorate title.

She finally steps back out. She has the biggest smile on her face.

“They’re removing her tubes and bathing her. Everything looks good. She’s healed very well,” Iris explains, but then her smile slowly fades, and she clears her throat.

“What?” I ask, beginning to panic.

“The police will want to talk to her and get her statement,”

“Okay, we will give it to them when she’s ready.”

“Issac, that’s not how it works. They’re gonna wanna come now while her memory is still fresh,”

“But what if she doesn’t remember shit right now? Iris, she just woke up from a coma,”

“You think I don’t know that?” she hisses at me. I sigh and shake my head.

“I’m sorry,”