Page 21 of Minefield

“She’s in a coma,” I begin. He looks up at me. “I’m not sure if she’s gonna wake up again Issac,”

“I want to see her,” he says, trying to get up from the bed.

“Issac, that’s not a good idea right now. You need rest,”

“Damn it Iris! What I need is to see her!” he cries.

“Issac, she’s not… she wouldn’t want you to see her like that. I’ll bring you to see her. But not right now,”

He looks at me with tears gathering in his eyes. “I can’t lose her Iris”

“I know,” I say, standing up. I sit on the edge of the hospital bed and wrap my arms around Issac as he cries. “I’ll do everything I can.”

One Week later


Sitting in the corner of Delilah’s hospital room listening to her machine’s beep, I remanence over everything that’s happened this past week.

Aunt Doll survived. They released her home yesterday after all her tests came back good. I let Iris break the news to her about Delilah. She didn’t take it well… none of us are taking it well.

Jay is getting better. They believe he should wake up soon.

“Hey” I hear followed by a knock on the room door. I turn and see Nathan leaning against the door. I nod my head.

“What’s up?” I saw, turning my head back to Delilah’s bed.

“Checking in. How is she?” he asks as he steps into the room.

“The same. No changes” I answer. The room goes silent other than the beeping and humming of the equipment. “You haven’t been around,” I point out to Nathan.

He sighs. “I know. I wanted to give everyone some time for yourselves,” he explains. I nod, understanding. “How long have you been here?”

“Haven’t left,” I say, leaning back in the chair. “I’ve been using their bathroom and Iris brought me clothes,” I say while pointing to the room’s private bathroom.

“Oh, I see,” he says, looking around. “Wanna go for a walk?” he asks. I see him holding something up to me. A joint. I chuckled.

“Really?” I say with a smirk.

“C’mon” he says waving for me to follow him. I shake my head and sigh.

Standing up from the chair, I walk over to Delilah. I gently push a piece of falling hair away from her face and kiss her forehead.

“I’ll be back, beautiful. Don’t do anything crazy without me,” I whisper to her.

I meet Nathan outside of her room and we walk towards the exit of the hospital. Once we get outside and to the side of the building, Nathan lights up the joint and hands it to me.

“You deserve the first hit.”

I laugh and take it. I inhale deeply and hold my breath. I exhale through my nose, then pass the joint back to Nathan. He takes a small hit but gets cut off by a coughing fit.

“Jesus fuck, it’s been a while,” he wheezes. We stand there for a few minutes in silence, smoking and passing between us.

“I wanted to thank you, by the way,” I speak up.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I got it from our stash at the station,” he says, dropping the spent joint, stomping it out.

“I wasn’t talking about that,” I laugh. “Thank you for that, too. But also for Del,”