Page 38 of Minefield

“It’s when he tossed you into that coffin. He told me he’ll never forget the terrified face you made, or your screams of agony,”

I flinch, remembering that night. Remembering him. I love you, is what he said before he dropped me. I remember the look on his face as I descended into the ground. My heart hurts for him, but he did it to himself and that’s what I say.

“He did it to himself. He’s the one who put the target on my back,” I say, trying to act pissed instead of broken.

“He regrets that and will now live with that for the rest of his life. I told him what he didn’t isn’t easily forgivable,” she says, then clears her throat. “He wants to see you. You probably already knew that.”

I nod and look over at my phone. I have hundreds of missed messages and calls from everyone.

“Will you speak with him?” she asks. “I think it will benefit you both, if you tell each other how you really feel,”

I nod and agree with her. “Okay. We’ll talk”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


A knock on my office door pulls me from the email I’m reading.

“What?” I shout. The door cracks open and I immediately know who it is. My head snaps in her direction.

Delilah’s hair is up in a messy bun. She’s wearing a black hoodie and black leggings with her combat boots. Her signature outfit. But her face looks slimmer and paler. It’s been almost two weeks since we last saw each other. But it’s felt like two years all over again. I stand up from my chair and walk around her and shut the door. She stands still in the middle of the room. Not making any movements. I go to tell her to sit, but she speaks up.

“We’re you ever gonna tell me?” she asks. I sigh, knowing what she’s asking. I shake my head.

“No. I wasn’t” I answer truthfully.


“Because I didn’t think I needed to. I didn’t think it would blow back in my face like it did,”

She takes a deep breath and crosses her arms. “So, you only thought about yourself? And how it would affect you?”

Fuck. “I guess, yeah,”

“You guess?” she shouts. That was the wrong answer. “You fucking guess?” she storms forward and shoves me hard. I step backwards, hitting my desk. Then she starts raining her tiny fist down on my chest.

“Your fucking guess got my fucking mom killed! I lost everything! Everything! I suffered so much. Everything that fucking happened, happened because you wanted me dead Issac. Why didn’t you fucking kill me in the first place?” she screams, stepping away from me.

“I-I couldn’t,”

“Why?! Why couldn’t you just leave me there? Or fucking put a bullet in my head and bury me somewhere? Why did you drag it out?” she begs for answers. “Why?”

“Because I’m fucking selfish, okay?!” I shouted, stepping towards her. “I’m a fucking selfish bastard who found something he wanted and wanted to keep it. For good.” I spin and rub my hands down my face. “When we brought you in after you were shot, I saw the fight in you. I saw your strength. I saw something I wanted. I called Isaiah and told him you were my problem. He said he wasn’t gonna do shit,” I explained to her. I can feel my eyes start to burn as the tears build up. “I didn’t know his plan, Delilah. I didn’t know he was the one behind all this shit! He was never around!”

“That should’ve been your first fucking red flag!” she screams at me.

“You don’t think I don’t know that!? The man is a walking, talking red fucking flag,”

“I want to hate you,” she chokes out as tears stream down her face. “I want to fucking hate you so bad. But I can’t, because at the end of every fucked-up day, you were there. Saving me”

“Delilah,” I say, stepping forward. But she steps back and puts her hand out.

“I-I don’t know what I want right now. I think, what I need is more time. To process everything. To process this,” she says, pointing between us. “I just need time,”

I nod and swallow the lump in my throat. “Okay” And with that, I watched the love of my life walk out of my grasp.

Chapter Thirty