Page 39 of Minefield


Three Months Later

Time… time fucking sucks. I wanna hate him. Despise him. A part of me wants to never see him again. But I can’t.

I stand outside the clubhouse gates, picking at my nails and chewing on my cheek. He listened and is giving me the time I need or needed.

“Fuck,” I whispered to myself. I push the buzzer to be let in.

“Raven’s” someone says over the intercom.

“It’s Delilah” I say. They say nothing. Shit. I go to turn away when the gate starts to open. I let out a sigh of relief and walk in. I walk into the garage, towards Issac’s office. I go to knock.

“He’s not here,” I hear come behind me. I spin around to see Jay leaning up against a car. His arms and legs crossed.

“Oh. Do you know when he’ll be back?” I ask. Jay shakes his head.

“He’s been gone for two months now, Del,” Jay says with regret laced in his voice.

My heart breaks. I took too much time… I’m too late.

“Do you know where he went?”

He shakes his head. “No. He didn’t tell anyone he was leaving. Just left a note for me and General, telling us to take care of the club while he’s gone.”

“Oh,” I say with a nod. I look down at my picked away nail polish. “I should get going.”

“Or you could stay. Doll misses you. I miss you. Texts aren’t the same, you know? The vibe here’s been different since you left,” Jay says as he starts to walk towards me. Once he’s toe to toe with m, he puts a finger under my chin, tilting my head up so I’m looking at him. “Come in for a bit,” he says nodding towards the clubhouse.

I nod. “Okay”

We walk in and Doll is the first to spot me. She shuffles over to me from behind the bar.

“There my girl is,” she says, wrapping me up in a hug. I squeeze her tight.

“Hi” I whisper. Tears gather in my eyes. She pulls away and looks at me. She wipes away at my cheek with her thumb. A tear must’ve fallen.

“Oh honey. Things are gonna be okay,” she reassures me.

Jay clears his throat from behind us. “I gotta run. It was nice seeing you, Del,” he says just before he disappears through the door.

“Come sit with me. I’ve got a Redbull waiting for ya,” Doll says, pulling me towards the bar.

I sit down at the bar, and she hobbles around to the other side to grab us drinks. Her walking has gotten better, but she still has a way to go. She sets our drinks down in front of us.

“You’re looking better. You feeling better?” Doll asks as she takes a sip of her water.

“Honestly, I’m not sure,” I say. “I feel like I’m just on autopilot. I wake up, have therapy, walk Theo, eat, and then go to bed and read. That’s all I’ve been doing. For the last three months,”

“What has your therapist said about that?” Doll asks. I shrug my shoulders.

“She said at least I’m getting outta bed now. So, I guess that’s somewhat of progress,”

Doll nods. “One step at a time, darling,” she says with a smile.

“What’s been happening here?” I ask, taking a sip of my drink.

“Eh, nothing crazy. Other than Issac disappearing after Isaiah was sentenced.”