Page 30 of Minefield

“Let’s just say I know a guy who knows a guy, who might know another guy,”

“Oh, shut the fuck up,” I laugh, cutting him off. I sit there in shock, trying to process what he’s just told me.

“So, what does my old lady say? Does she wanna go or not?” he says. But in that moment, everything stops.

“What did you just say?” I ask, my eyebrows hitting my hairline.

“What do you mean?” he says, starting to play dumb. He smiles and starts walking backwards, away from me.

“Issac,” I hiss as I jump down from the counter, getting ready to pounce.

“What’s up?” he says, continuing to back away.

“Issac, what did you just say?” I shout, closing in on him. He grins, then takes off. I dart after him.

“Issac fucking Raven! Get back here!” I shout, chasing after him. He slips into the clubhouse with me hot on his trail. “Issac!” I shout again. He cuts the corner and begins running around the bar, behind Doll, whose sat on the stool she was in when I left. Suddenly Issac disappears and I hear a thud.

“Fuck!” Issac shouts. I round the corner and see him slowly picking himself off the floor. Doll looking down at him with a grin.

“Oh no, how did that get there?” she says, pointing to her cane that’s laid on the floor. Issac stands up and grabs it, setting it on the bar.

“Hm, I don’t know but what I know is that it’s owner better watch where they put it before it ends up someone’s ass,” he hisses. Doll breaks out in laughter. She turns to me.

“He’s all,” she says, pointing over her shoulder at him. I smirk and take off.

“Oh, shit,” he grunts as he runs towards the stairs that lead to our room. He flies through the door and tries closing it on me. I jump and shoulder check the door, catching him off guard, causing him to stumble behind it.

“Don’t think so!” I say, slamming through. I jump on him before he can get up. I straddle his waist and sit for a second, out of breath. We’re both breathing heavy. He rests his hands on my thighs and sighs.

“You got me,” he surrenders.

“Damn right I did. Now tell me what you said back there,” I say, lowering my face down to his. He chuckles.

“I don’t remember now.”

“Issac!” I say, smacking his chest.

He starts laughing. “I said, ‘what does my old lady say?’ you wanna go back or not?”

My heart stops for a moment. My old lady.

He looks into my eyes and smiles. “Does she?” I stare back at him, not able to answer. His eyebrows shoot up. “Ah, I’ve rendered you speechless. Is it possibly because I called you my old lady?”

I nod my head. “Are you serious?” I ask, finally finding words.

“Absolutely Delilah. I want you as my old lady. I want you by my side for the rest of my life. God, I’m so madly in love with you,”

My eyes fill with tears and nod my head again. “I would really like that,” I say awkwardly. Issac laughs, making me laugh.

“Well, that’s good,” he says with a smile. I lean down and cup his cheek with my hand and plant a kiss on his lips.

“I love you,” I say, pulling away from him.

“I love you too.”

Chapter Twenty-Three
