Page 31 of Minefield

I’m being held down. My arms are above my head being held by Isaiah. His uncle is prying my legs open.

I start screaming.

They start laughing.

I kick at Levi and wiggle my body, trying to loosen their grip.

Then I’m punched in the jaw. My head snaps to the side.

I start spitting out blood onto the cold concrete floor.

“Stop fucking moving!” Levi yells in my ear. I turn my head and look up at him.

“Fuck you,” I say and spit in his face.

My bloody spit drips down his face. He wipes it off and grins. Then he pulls a gun from his waistband and takes off the safety and clicks the hammer back.

“Don’t fucking move,” he hisses, putting the gun to my head. He tries prying my legs open again, but my body reacts on its own. “Fuck this,” Levi says, then hit me in the head with the butt of his gun.

It’s dark and cold. I’m screaming, crying. I’m clawing at wood, ripping my nails off, and getting splinters in the nail beds.

“Issac please!” I scream. I can’t hear anything. It’s quiet. Too quiet.

Then I feel it. I’m in a wooden coffin. Six feet under the ground.

I’m screaming, crying, choking on my sobs. My body begins to shiver as panic settles.

“Help me!” I scream in agony.

I’m hyperventilating. The wooden coffin’s wall feels like they’re closing in on me.

I pound on the lid of the coffin. Dirt spills through the cracks onto my face.

“Fuck!” I screech. My voice cracking.

I’m breathing uncontrollably hard. I can’t calm down.

I am going to die.

Everything stops. My sobs. My heavy breathing. The shaking. Everything. My body stills.

I can hear something now. My heart beating. Slowly.

I’m growing tired. My body feels heavy but also relaxed.

My heart is slowing down. I can hear it and feel it.

My body gets a quick shock of energy, and I scream.

I am dying.

“Fuck!” I scream, shooting up from the bed. The blankets are wrapped around my body, causing me to panic. I scream and try to wiggle out of them.

“Delilah! Hey!” I hear from my left. I continue to flop around.

“Delilah! Open your eyes! Unwrap her!” I hear. I feel hands on my shoulders, holding me down. I grab onto whoever it is wrists. I feel the blankets around me being unraveled. My heart starts to slowly beat normally again and I’m able to open my eyes.

“Hey” Jay whispers rubbing my arms. He’s the one I’m clinging onto.