Page 86 of One-Way Ride

Angela swallowed past her suddenly dry throat. “I don’t understand.”

Godfrey’s crooked smile stayed in place. “The message you were sent is different to the one your lover received. He’s all the way across the other side of the city.”

“That’s not possible,” she denied, her eyes darting left and right. “I got the information from our head of security. He forwarded it from Roman’s cell himself.”

“Did he?” Godfrey cocked his head, a calculated look crossing his face. “Or did he just pretend to forward it and then give you a different location instead?”

It hit her like a ton of bricks. “Teague is the traitor.”

Godfrey laughed. He looked like he was enjoying himself immensely. “Teague has a gambling problem. He has for years. This isn’t the first time he’s traded information for money. And not just to me. He’ll talk to anyone who can pay. Now, put the gun down, Princess. You’ve already lost. And so has Roman.”

Angela stared him down. “I haven’t lost anything. And Roman never loses. You should know that by now.”

The four armed men surrounding her dropped to the ground almost simultaneously, bullet holes between their eyes. Godfrey gaped at the bodies like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. As he looked around wildly, a red dot appeared in the center of his chest.

Angela smiled at him. “I’m sorry, were you expecting me to be alone? Or was that just what Teague told you?”

Godfrey narrowed his eyes dangerously, his arrogant features becoming hard and cruel. He looked down at the phone he was holding in his hand.

“Don’t bother calling in reinforcements,” Angela told him. “My friends have already dealt with the rest of your men by now. They took them out first. That was step one of the plan. Well, technically, more like step three. The first step was getting your spy to reveal themselves.”

“You didn’t know it was Teague,” Godfrey argued. “I can read people. You were genuinely surprised.”

“I was,” she allowed. “Only because while I was here executing my part of the plan, Roman was working on his. The dead bodies in front of you are proof that he figured it out.”

“There’s no way,” Godfrey barked. “No way the rest of my men have been taken out. They arrived with me.”

Angela hummed. “And so did Morrigan. She followed you, along with two dozen men, from your last location. She’s also the one responsible for the red dot hovering on your heart.”

Godfrey threw his head back and roared. Angela grinned, reveling in Godfrey’s downfall. His world was crumbling around him, and she was really fucking glad she was here to see it. And even gladder that she had a man who believed in her strength. Roman’s trust in her was humbling. The idea to divide and conquer had been his, but she knew how hard it was on him to watch her walk away. Because it was excruciating for her to see him stay.

The argument had been her idea. They needed to provide an opportunity for the rat to expose themselves. She was really glad it had worked. Angela caught sight of her man over Godfrey’s shoulder. She watched Roman stride towards her with a confidence and a grace that was sexy as hell.

When he got to her, the first thing he did was touch her. He cupped her cheeks, staring into her eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked.

She released a shaky breath, her adrenaline crashing. “I will be.”

“Good.” Then he kissed her.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her gun, still clutched in her hand, resting in the middle of his shoulder blades, much as it had the first time they’d had sex. She ignored the monster behind her, focusing on the warmth and security Roman offered.

“Excuse me, mio angelo,” Roman murmured when they broke apart. He moved her to the side before taking a step forward and slugging the man she had known as the Foreman. The older man went down hard, spitting blood onto the ground.

“We had a deal,” Godfrey had the audacity to say.

“I’m reneging,” Roman replied stonily.

“You’ll pay for this,” Godfrey shouted.

“Save the bad guy rhetoric. I’m not interested,” Roman declared. “Your first mistake was believing I’d entertain a deal in the first place. You see, Angel isn’t a passing infatuation. She’s the love of my goddam life. She’s my light.”

And that was when Godfrey realized he was truly fucked. He reached beneath his jacket, his hand on the butt of a gun, but Roman kicked him in the groin. Godfrey turned gray and he screamed thinly, dropping the gun and rolling to the side. His hands cupped his crotch. She wasn’t sure why, given his balls must now be in his abdomen. Roman hadn’t held back.

Roman clicked his fingers and Colt appeared from behind the giant slide. He dragged Teague along with him. Teague didn’t look so good. He was bloody with bruises already forming. Abel, Sal, Morrigan, and a plethora of other dangerous looking men and women trickled in from all directions. She smiled, relieved to see everyone was in one piece. It looked like the plan had gone off without a hitch.

Godfrey glared at Teague and made an attempt to get to his feet. Morrigan stepped forward and knocked him back down with her boot. “Shit stays on the ground where it should be,” she told him.

Godfrey snarled at her before shouting at Teague. “You fuck! You had one job!”