Page 85 of One-Way Ride

Godfrey shook his head slowly. “I expected better of you. You didn’t really think I would stick to that ridiculous deal, do you?”

Angela swallowed noisily, her eyes darting around as four men stepped from behind the trees with their guns drawn. She appeared to be vastly outnumbered and outmatched. She firmed her stance. “It doesn’t matter how many men there are. It only takes one bullet to do the trick. I’m a surgeon. I have fast fingers. I’m betting I can pull this trigger before them. And at this close range, I’m not worried about missing.”

“Perhaps. But my man will fire as soon as you do. You’ll be dead, too,” he pointed out.

“So will you,” she retorted. “And that’s all I care about.”

“Is it? I was led to believe you care about a great deal more than your own life now. You’ve found yourself a lovely little family. I admit, it’s not at all what I pictured for you—a crime family. But, still, it took you a long time to find it. Are you really willing to give it all up?”

She wavered. Was she willing to give up everything she had in the name of vengeance? Once, the answer would have been simple. Yes. But things were different now. She wanted her life with Roman. She wanted her life with the big oaf Abel, and the sweet Luca. She wanted to come home to two mischievous cats every night and a naked Roman waiting for her on the couch.

It hurt, oh how it hurt, to lower her gun. But she did it. The arrogant smile on Godfrey’s face almost had her raising it again.

“A wise choice,” he said. “I must say, I’m relieved. It’s not the choice I thought you would make. Not after what you did to poor Abernathy.” Angela jerked her head back in shock. “Yes, I know all about the fire.” He tsked, wagging a scolding finger at her. “Naughty Princess, burning people alive.”

“He deserved it,” she ground out.

“Of that, I have no doubt,” Godfrey agreed calmly.

His composure was getting to her. She wanted a reaction out of him. Any reaction would do at this point. “And you deserve far worse.”

“Also very true. But you, Princess, aren’t going to be the one to deliver it. I was willing to make a deal with your lover, but that’s not going to happen now. You can blame yourself for that with this little show.”

Typical, she thought. He’s gaslighting me. “You never planned to go through with the deal.” She gestured to the men surrounding her. “All these extra men prove that.”

Godfrey shrugged. “I was willing to leave you alone, I promise you that. As long as you were well away from me and I from you. These men were just an insurance policy. We both know Roman was going to bring more goons with him.”

“Mr. Romano,” Angela corrected him.

He looked confused. “What?”

She glowered at him. “He told you to call him Mr. Romano. And while we’re at it, stop calling me Princess.”

Godfrey laughed. “You are such a joy. No wonder you were so popular.”

She raised her chin, saying succinctly, “Go fuck yourself.”

“Why would I do that when I have so many other options to fuck?”

Angela froze. “You’re still doing it. You’re still buying and selling children.”

“Of course. It’s so lucrative. I’m nowhere near as active as I once was, but I keep my hand in it,” he explained.

She stared at him. He was terrifyingly crazy. “Why?”

“Because I can,” was his swift answer. “Because I like the power. Because I like the money.” He shrugged. “Take your pick.”

“You’re nothing but a psychopathic narcissist,” Angela accused, wondering if she was going to survive being in his presence like she did when she was a teenager. It was a miracle she’d lived the first time. That much was clear.

Godfrey clutched his chest dramatically, falling back a step. “Ouch. Words hurt, Princess.”

Angela grimaced and brought her gun back up swiftly. “I told you not to call me that.”

His men twitched, and Godfrey gestured them back. He looked at her drolly. “Again with the bravado? Didn’t we already cover this? You can’t win.”

“Roman will be here soon,” Angela said, stalling for time. “He’s always on time.”

“Ah, if only that were true. You see, Roman will be heading to a different meeting point,” Godfrey revealed with a smile.