Page 108 of Milo

I made my way up to her chest, where her heart beat against it.


I touched her lips next.


I tapped the side of her head with my index finger.

“And this.”

Silently, she shook her head.

“I just don’t get you most days. Everything is so different.”

“One thing remains the same, though, Nay, and that’s all that matters.”

I grabbed her hand and placed it on my chest.

“This motherfuckerstillbeats for one girl.”

“Go get Mason. I miss him.”

“You want to ride with me?”

“No. I’m sleepy and I’m pissed. I need some time alone.”

This time, I let her free herself from my grasp. From the lines in her forehead, I knew that she was upset with me. It wasn’t about me popping up on ole boy. My safety, freedom, and career being risk factors led her riot. In a way, I understood. But in another way, fuck all that.

I was back in my whip, and on the way to Pop’s house to retrieve Mason. We had somewhere to be in the next hour and I didn’t want to miss the very important appointment with a very important girl. Dr. Aussie, she’d began calling herself over the last twenty-four hours, and I was feeling it.

* * *

I wasn’t exactlysure if the television was watching me, or I was watching it. The eventful night I’d embarked on contributed to my sleepiness, making me doze every few minutes. Stretched out on Malachi’s couch, my comfort level was questionable. I felt like I was right at home. Mason’s presence, though in the other room with his aunt, was the only thing stopping me from passing out completely.

With sad eyes, Aussie rounded the corner where Malachi and I lounged, watching the highlights on the big screen. Out of sheer habit, I checked my phone for notifications, ready to forward any emails I’d received to Christina to handle, being that I was out of the office for another four days.

“What’s up, baby girl?” I asked my niece.

From the look on her face, I could tell she was in a slump.

“He’s not a very good student,” Aussie complained.

“What’s the matter?”

“He just keeps falling asleep.”

“Baby, he’s only seven weeks. He can’t help himself. His body tires easily.”

“It’s not his fault, Aussie. He needs rest and lots of it to grow big and healthy, just like you,” Malachi explained.

“But how will he learn to communicate with us?”

“He’ll learn. I promise he will. Just keep working with him when he’s up and alert. He’ll be back each week. We have plenty of time, baby,” I assured her.

“I don’t know, Uncle Milo. I want him to learn now.”

Chuckling, I nodded. “Me too.”