Page 109 of Milo

“It’s been hours. He’s been to sleep two times already. And he likes when Mommy holds him.”

“Because Mommy has milk in her breast, Aussie. He’s a baby and smells her milk.”

“But Mommy isn’t his Mommy. She can’t feed him. Her milk is for Maz.”

“Her milk is for Maz, but she can feed Mason, actually. If necessary, she could feed them both. However, Nature packed him enough milk.”

“She can feed two babies?”

“Yes. It happens all the time. It’s called wet nursing. It’s more common than people think. Family members who have babies around the same time do it. Friends who both have babies do it. Even grandmothers, because, believe it or not, they can still produce milk. It takes lots of patience but it happens.”


“Yes. Really.”

“That’s fascinating,” Aussie gasped.

“It is. And that’s such a big word. When did you learn that?”

“That’s a simple word,” she sassed. “I know’d it a long time ago.”

“Know’d it?” Malachi asked.

“I’ve known it for a very long time.”

“Much better,” he complimented.

“Is Mason asleep now?”

“Yes. Him and Maz. Mommy is rocking them both.”

“Is that why you’re sad? You want one to yourself?”

“A little.”

“Well, how about you hang out with your uncle? I can rock you if you want me to?”

Reaching forward, I tickled her tummy.

“Uncle Milo!” She giggled.

“Come on. Hop up here.”

As Aussie settled right on side of me, my phone vibrated in my pocket. The unknown number didn’t fill me with any urgency to answer. I almost slid the phone back into my pocket before it dawned on me who could actually be calling from an unknown number with a different country code than mine.

“Yeah?” I picked up.

“Congratulations, nigga.”

Chem’s voice came through, slightly muffled.

“Appreciate that, bro. Good hearing from you.”

Knowing that every call made on his end was a risk that he gladly took every time he needed to contact one of us made every call that more special.

“I would’ve called earlier, but shit,” he explained.

“No need to explain. I know your heart. What you been up to?”