Page 98 of Milo

I handed over Mason and watched Pops’ grimace turn into a full-blown grin.

“Hey there, Daddy. Hey, man.”

It was his third time seeing Mason, and each time, he got a bit more attached. According to him, I didn’t bring Mason around nearly as much as I should. Truthfully, I was still getting acquainted with the little guy. It made me selfish with our time together. He knew it just like I did.

We all settled around the living room. Aussie followed the baby, ending up at Pops’ side, watching and observing as if Mason was precious glass and would break if mishandled. Without a doubt, I knew they’d be the best of friends, just like she and Maz, who was sound asleep on the blanket next to Malachi.

“I’m trying to get this nigga out of the house for his birthday,” Makai announced. “I got a section at Lust tonight.”

“Merc, you rolling or what?” I asked, turning toward Mercer.

“Not really feeling it. But this nigga won’t let it die.”

“And ain’t. Get out the house. Rub on some ass and titties. Make me a believer, nigga. ’Cause I ain’t saw a piece of pu—I ain’t saw nothing come out that crib since you been home.”

“Make you a believer?” I scoffed. “You still on that?”

Malachi laughed, still shaking his head. “I don’t understand why y’all entertain this man.”

“I’m on baby duty,” I sighed. “Maybe next weekend.”

“His birthday is Tuesday. We hitting the club this weekend.”

“I’ve got Mason. And your babies if you need me to keep them, Malachi.”

Silently, Malachi shook his head. It was written in stone that he wouldn’t be joining us. No one tried to convince him otherwise. There was so much pain and heartache behind his decline. He deserved to reject the invitation in peace. Watching the glimmer in his eyes transform into gloom made my chest burn. I rubbed from one side to the other, diverting my attention while praying it subsided.

“I’m down,” I told Makai.

“Lawe is down,” he shared.

“Which leaves you no choice,” I said to Mercer.

“Portland in town. Even that nigga sliding.”

“Oh yeah. Mercer, you coming out. That’s it. That’s settled. Even if we have to cuff you to the car.”

“Go enjoy yourself, Mercer,” Malachi suggested. “It’s all on me, bro.”

“It’s all on me, bro,” Makai mimicked Malachi. “Like we broke or something.”

He pointed between him and I.

“If you’re expecting me to turn down free liquor and a good time, then look a little further, homie. I’m not the one.” I held my hands up. “Malachi got it.”

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I quickly tuned everyone out, worried that it was Nature trying to contact me. I realized, almost immediately, that Mason was in my care, which settled me slightly.Lacey. The name was familiar, one that came across my screen every so often, just like the others.

Before reading the message, I deleted the entire thread. Taking things a step further, I deleted the threads that followed until I was down to approximately seven of them. Of the seven, it included threads from my brothers, Portland, a buddy I kept in contact with from med school, and Nature.

I exited the messaging app and opened my contacts. One by one, I began erasing them, along with the faint memories that each of them held. Before I knew it, thirty minutes had passed and my eyes were still trained on my phone.

“Don’t you hear Pops talking to you?” Makai fussed, snatching my phone from my hand. “This nigga zoned out.”

“Give me my phone.”

“Reesh? You erasing big booty Reesh out ya phone? Man, where my line at? She can get added to my roster.”

“Makai, hand me my shit.”