Page 97 of Milo

“OK. What is Mason doing?”

“You’ll see in a minute, Aussie,” I chuckled, watching as she stood on the tips of her toes trying to get a better view.

I strapped him into the carrier that I’d slid up both of my arms. He fit snug into it, laying his head against my chest and closing his eyes to shield them from the bright sun. I tossed a thin blanket over his head to assist and shut the door of the truck behind me. With his bag in tow, we trekked up the driveway and into the yard. Aussie led the way, looking back every few seconds to make sure that Mason was alright.

“This nigga looking like he play on Hangover or some sh–”

“Hello to you as well, Makai. Instead of bullshitting, greet your nephew. Say hello.”

“You being serious right now? That little nigga can’t hear shit.”



Right across the back of his head and neck, Makai received open-hand licks from Mercer and I.

“Ignorant,” Mercer growled, lowly.

“That’s why I’m not even over on that side of the room. His energy is always off,” Malachi shook his head.

“You better be glad you got my little nigga or—”

“Or what?” I asked, beginning to remove Mason from his carrier.

“And you, you just a big, bored ass nigga that pumped weights the whole eight and think I’m about to fight you. Nigga, I’m shooting.”

“Make sure you aim high, nigga,” Mercer suggested.

“That’s the plan. Big ass.”

“And big where? This man is a good, what, twenty more than you and me. Twenty that’s hardly even noticeable.” I sided with Mercer.

“Twenty you gone feel if his—”

“Makai, shut up. All you do is start shit,” Pops demanded, strolling into the living room like the cool cat he was.

“Alright, na,” I whistled, admiring him in the Nike shorts and tee to match. The hat on his head was Nike as well.

“Boy, be quiet. This ain’t nothing. Give me my grandson.”

“Technically, I’m your grandson. You want me?”

“Me too,” Mercer said.

“Me too,” Malachi added.


“Shut up!” He didn’t let Makai finish, making us all double over in laughter.

No one wanted to claim Makai sometimes. He was a possible.

“Why y’all always inviting me places if—”

“Shut up!” we all said in unison.

“Bet,” he scoffed, leaning back and placing his hands behind his head.