Page 42 of Milo

I settled, feeling her slip from my grasp, literally and figuratively. The sinking of my stomach assured me that my fears were coming to fruition. She was retreating, returning to that hard shell she’d shed for me, for us. And there wasn’t shit I could do about it but cling to pieces and parts of her that remained accessible, using them as entry points to her head and her heart, hoping she’d soften again.

She freed her hand dismantling our connection. The analogy was disheartening. However, I’d learned a very long time ago that Nature didn’t respond well to discomfort and forcing her to open for me, again, would push her further away. The only solution when it came to her was patience. But waiting for a moment like the one she’d had seven nights ago felt too much like torture. I’d waited long enough.

“Nature Dupree.”

Simultaneously, we were on our feet. I followed her lead. Though Marcie was a mutual friend of ours and we’d chosen her practice together for Nature’s prenatal care, I’d never visited and was clueless as to where we were headed. Nature, however, was familiar, strutting through the halls as if they were her runway. I withheld my chuckle, watching her wobble from one side to the other as she tried to manage the bulging belly in front of her that was growing rapidly.

White walls and beige accents made the room seem far more spacious and airy than it was. The minimalistic set up was admirable and reminded me a lot of my office without the hints of black in places where I wanted contrast. Because I was well aware of color psychology and the way it affected the mental state, black paint in the office was limited.

Nature’s round belly made it impossible to close the gown at the center, where it was split for easy access. Exasperated from the walk and getting undressed, she lie on the bed, suffering from labored breathing and tired limbs. Wishing I could bear the weight of her pregnancy, I found myself beside the bed, pushing the cloth aside.

A dark line centered her belly, stopping right at her enlarged navel and then continuing underneath it. I’d seen her belly a number of times, but a modest woman, she refused to expose it in the middle of restaurants during our check-ins. That limited my views to private settings, which Nature tried her hardest to avoid with me. My home and hers were the only locations I’d gotten to caress her skin and admire the canvas that was creating such beautiful art.

I placed my right hand on the center of her stomach. Leaning forward, I placed my ear against it as if I’d hear what was going on inside. Though it was highly unlikely, I still strived for the unimaginable.

“Seriously?” She sniggered, thinking I was incredibly insane. Maybe I was.

“Trying to see what’s going on with this little dude,” I admitted.

The sound of my voice caused a shift in the shape of her belly, startling us both. My eyes tried their damnedest to exit my skull.


“I see it, Milo.”

Accustomed to our son’s daily activities, the movements were nothing new for her. She remained calm, watching as I tilted my head, leaning in closer and projecting my voice.

“Mason. It’s Daddy, dude.”

Again, there was movement. This time, one side stretched much more than the other. Nature rushed to grab my hand. Her manicured fingers covered mine, pulling them in the opposite direction and forcing them down onto her belly where she wanted them.

“His foot,” she announced. “Keep talking to him.”

“Daddy needs you to sit tight for a few more weeks and then we’re in these streets, son. Strollers, backpacks, car seats, all that shit in the whip, ready to go.”

“His head,” she told me, moving my hand to the other side where he’d moved. “And he’s not going to be in any streets, Milo.”

“Shiiiiiid.” I laughed. “With the entire Domino gang. Maz waiting on his ass right now. Me and Malachi got matching strollers and shit. You have no earthly idea,” I informed her with a shake of my head.

“How over the top the Domino brothers are? I do. I really do.”

“I passed your whip, Nay. You have the baby on board sign up already. And I’m over the top?”

“Well, because it’s true.”

“He isn’t here yet.”

“So, there’s still a baby on board.”

“Knock, knock,” Marcie called out, entering the room as well. “Dr. Domino. What a pleasant surprise.”

“What’s good, Marcie?”

“Everything. Everything. Especially with this little boy of yours. He’s made this pregnancy a breeze for us both. Heck, Nature could’ve seen herself for nine months and saved you both some money.”

“Nah. She wanted you. Whatever Nature wants, she gets.”

It was the truth. Whatever Nature’s heart desired, she could have. Prenatal care was covered. She didn’t have to spend a dime. Delivery would be covered. Every expense that accompanied our pregnancy was my responsibility. When our son was born, it would be the same.