Page 43 of Milo

Because we weren’t ready to start thinking of care centers, we’d decided on hiring a nanny, whom we were planning to begin trials for six weeks after the baby’s birth. I’d cover the cost for care as well. There wasn’t anything within my reach and account range that Nature and my son couldn’t have. I’d made that clear the moment the pregnancy test displayed the wordPregnant.

“Well, alright then. Let’s see what baby is up to today.”

Perched beside Nature, I watched as preparation began. Warm, clear gel was poured onto her belly as Marcie pushed the gown aside to reduce restrictions while wanding. When she finally placed the probe on her stomach, the waves began, drowning out the sounds around us.

Shit. Exuberance filled me to the core. Taking Nature’s hand into mine, I watched as the skeleton of our son appeared on the screen. Movement was plentiful. He began putting on a show for the camera, bringing a smile to my face.

“And for his tiny heartbeat.”

I prepared for the sound of a rapidly beating heart to fill the room. And when it did, mine swelled a thousand times. Breathing became difficult as I tried suppressing the vast emotions surfacing at once. Prickly orbs led to distorted vision as tears cornered my eyes.

Wow. Disbelief silenced me completely. Pride trapped itself right inside of my chest cavity, inflating it just before heartache sucked the air right out of me. Thoughts of our son growing accustomed to two homes, two routines, two cribs, two of everything crushed me.

“Strong. Very strong. I’m going to take a few measurements and get some pictures and let you guys get back to your busy day. He’s doing just fine. Not yet in position for delivery, but he still has weeks. I have a feeling we don’t have to worry about this one at all. He cooperates.”

“We love an easygoing baby,” Nature snickered.

“Don’t we? Almost makes us want to refund the parents,” Marcie joked.


Zoned in, I continued admiring my son’s body on the screen as she measured his frame, his skull, his heart, counted the chambers, and printed images. It amazed me how Nature was able to grow and nourish an entire human inside of her as she went about her life with little to no changes in her daily routine and schedule. She hadn’t slowed down a bit. Her bravery and resilience was stunning.

“Alright. They’ll schedule your next appointment up front. From here on out, I’ll be seeing you every week.”

“Yes,” Nature confirmed as Marcie made her way toward the door.

“Dr. Domino,” she called out to me. “It was nice seeing you.”

“Appreciate you, Marcie.”

My attention span was limited. Holding the images she’d printed close to my face, I examined every detail of the tiny human stuffed inside of Nature. The fact that I’d impregnated her and one sperm cell was responsible for this moment had me in a daze.

Like a lost puppy without a care in the world other than the images in front of me, I followed Nature with her oversized bag and book in my hand. It made me feel a bit better, toting anything on her person that added weight to the load she was already hauling. By the time we made it outside, she’d grown sick of my new obsession, snatching the ultrasound from my hand forcing me to rejoin society.


“You’re going to walk into a pole if you don’t pay attention, Milo.”

I retrieved the ultrasound images, lowering them by my side as I gave her my undivided attention. Leaning against her door, I gave a complete once over. The simple leggings and oversized shirt that stopped right under her belly were simple, but the colors complemented her beauty.

With a face free of makeup, the discolored circles under her eyes were visible. I loved them. However, the lack of effort that her attire displayed revealed what she wasn’t willing to confess. She was at the point of pregnancy that left her too drained to do the things she loved most.

“Come on,” I commanded, grabbing her hand and pulling her in the opposite direction.

“Wait. Woah. Come on? Where? And no.”

“Wherever we’re going. Come on.”

“No. I have—”

“You don’t have shit, Nature. We’re scheduled for a check-in at 12:00. Your schedule is clear and so is mine. Come ride with a nigga.”

“No,” she stated, standing her ground.”


I folded the images neatly and stuffed them in Nature’s bag, which was still dangling from my hand. I added the book to the mix and pulled it up on my shoulder.