Page 67 of King of Clubs

I took a deep breath, then looked straight into his dark, brooding eyes. “I could really use a hug.”

He tilted his head to one side, studying me as if I’d asked my question in pig Latin.

“You want me to...holdyou?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, feeling more confident about my request. “That was some pretty intense shit that just happened.”

“Things are about to become more intense,” he replied, but it didn’t stop him from closing the distance between us and gathering me into his arms.

Warmth wrapped around me like a cocoon as he pressed me into his hard chest, shielding me from harm. The same hands that were capable of breaking bones and crushing skulls were now caressing my body with tender care. I melted into him, letting my weight sink against his inhuman strength.

Letting out a soft sigh of resignation, he lifted my chin, then reached for my throat. I yielded to him without thinking, not knowing what was about to happen, yet trusting him completely.

To my surprise, he unfastened the collar around my neck. Shock rippled through me as Ransom stripped away the symbol of my imprisonment. I was no longer just his plaything, hidden behind a mask, dominated by my collar.

I’d become something more.

I took a deep breath and let it out, feeling a deep, raw pang of emotion when his hand caressed my hair. With every stroke I was made clean, feeling like I’d just stepped out of a warm bath. My skin tingled with softness and my hair became soft and silky. My mind felt like it had been fortified against the traumatic memories of what I’d seen...of what I’d experienced. He didn’t take my memories away, but he took away the pain.

I looked up at him in wonder. “How did you do that?”

He lifted a brow at me. “Do what?”

“You took my pain away.”

Ransom shook his head, then held up my collar. It disappeared in a puff of sparkling smoke, surrounding us with twinkles of magic. He brought his hand to my cheek, cradling my face, gazing down at me with bittersweet pride.

“I didn’t make your pain go away, Alice.Youdid.”

My fingers inspected my bare throat as I continued to stare at him in disbelief.

“You imagination’s back?”

He nodded slowly.

“Yes. You wanted something so much that you made it real. Imagine that glass of wine you want. See what happens.”

I took a step back and visualized a tall stem of Cristal. One instantly appeared in front of me, hovering in the air.

“Are youseriousright now?” I squealed as I took the champagne into my hand. It looked like Cristal. It smelled like Cristal. I brought it to my lips and tipped my head back.

It sure tasted like Cristal.

“Try not to drink any more than that,” he said with a cautious smile. “I’m going to need you alert and ready for anything.”

The air inside the room suddenly shifted, and I wondered if lightning was about to strike.

As if on cue, Chess and Hatter burst through the door holding up Callister between them. Their faces were fraught with exhaustion and tension. I set down my wine and made a beeline for them.

“Callister!” I gasped, my voice laced with shock as I took in his haggard appearance.

His clothes were torn to shreds and stained with violet blood. His teal pompadour was flattened against one side of his face, stuck there with blood and sweat. Deep gashes covered his body, and bruises bloomed across his skin like grotesque flowers. His lip was split and one eye was swollen shut. Seeing him so horribly broken made my stomach turn.

"What happened?" Ransom's voice was deceptively calm, but rage simmered beneath the surface.

"The Queen is coming!" Hatter exclaimed, his mismatched eyes wide and darting around the room. He slammed the door shut and bolted the locks.

Ransom palmed his face and shook his head.